Articles by Brocha Goetz

Rabbi Meir Schuster: Every Jew Counts

Meir shuster

With great sadness we inform you the Rabbi Schuster passed away Monday, Feb. 17, 2014, 17th of Adar 1, 5774.

What one person can do when he really cares about the Jewish people.

One day, when Meir Schuster and his friend were in their early twenties, they had just finished praying at the Western Wall. They watched other young people going to the Wall and being lit up by the experience. And the thought struck both of them at the same time: Why can’t someone connect with all these people and bring them closer to their heritage? They noticed one young backpacker leaning against the wall and crying. They watched as he composed himself, and started walking away from his moving encounter.

Read More:Rabbi Meir Schuster: Every Jew Counts