Shalom Bayis Articles

Troublesome Neighbors- A Shalom Bayis column from our archives

Dear Rebbetzin Weinberg,

Years ago, we lived in an apartment complex. I got very friendly with one of my neighbors. We helped each other in many ways and had babies at the same time, etc. As toddlers, my friend’s children used to hit and push my children. I thought that her children just had a more aggressive nature, and I coped with it by supervising them closely and trying to keep them apart.

Eventually we bought a house and moved to another neighborhood. Well, it’s a few years later, and my friend just bought a house on our block. And guess what! Her children have not changed! When my kids go out to play, her kids make fun of them and exclude them. My kids always come in crying. What’s more, the bullies are rallying the other children to join them. Everything was fine before these children came to live here.

I mentioned the problem to my friend, and she got extremely offended. She said, “How could you say that! Your kids must have brought it on themselves.”

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Shabbos and Drinking

Dear Rebbetzin Weinberg,

My husband says Shabbos is a time to relax, and one of the ways he likes to relax is through drinking. He never drinks during the week, but on Friday night, the wine is plentiful, with a few bottles on table. Of course, he takes a shot of whiskey between the fish and the soup. On Shabbos morning, there is kiddush in shul, even though the shul is supposedly trying to become liquor free. On the way home, my husband might stop at a few friends’ homes, accepting a shot at each.

I hate drinking. Mostly, I’m concerned about our children. My husband can handle his drink. He is not abusive or even truly drunk. But how do I know whether my children will tolerate alcohol? I have a cousin who is an alcoholic; maybe there is such a tendency on my side of the family. The boys are teenagers, and they are already starting. They get a drink at their rebbes’ homes on Friday night, and of course there is lots of liquor at our house.

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Cautious Lender

Dear Rebbetzin Weinberg,

My husband is a very generous person, and he loves to give tzedaka, give people gifts, and lend things to others. I also enjoy giving to others, but I have had some experiences where I lent things to others and they were not returned, or were returned broken. I have therefore become more cautious about lending expensive or important items to others. I am always nervous when we lend out expensive items, especially when it is done on a regular basis, but my husband always says that it is the right thing to do.

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Feeling Foolish,

Dear Rebbetzin Weinberg,

I have been married to a wonderful man, who has been my friend and partner for many years. I know my good fortune, and perhaps that is why I feel very petty and a “kafooy tov” when I think of my “problem.” In all our years of marriage, it does not take the fingers of one hand to count the gifts that I have received from my husband. I suppose I should have guessed when I did not receive the customary gift of jewelry from my chassan at our wedding. I put that down to the fact that he had little of his own money. But in the years that followed, whether it was birthdays, anniversaries, the births of our children, and other events where such gifts are expected, I sometimes received only a humorous card, sometimes not even that, because he had forgotten.

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I know he won’t go to counseling.

Dear Rebbetzin Weinberg,

I have been married 15 years, and it hasn’t been easy. My husband is a hard worker and a good provider. He is well-meaning, too, but he doesn’t communicate well, and has a tendency to blurt things out without thinking. He has really hurt me and the children many times. He doesn’t seem to be able to control himself or understand the ramifications of his speech.

By doing a lot of reading, I realize that my husband has adult ADHD. I know he won’t go to counseling. I don’t even think there is a therapy that could fix him. I have come to terms with the fact that my husband has this condition; this is who he is. I would just like advice on how to live with it. How can we keep from being hurt by his outbursts? How can I make a home without constant fighting? How do I make my life and the life of our children a happy one?

The Peacemaker

Read More:I know he won’t go to counseling.

The Boss’s Wife

Dear Rebbetzin Weinberg,

I read the letter last month from the wife who complained about her husband’s boss. I feel it is necessary to point out the other side of the coin. There are many employers who make a point of reaching out to members of the community and giving them a job. You’d think this would be an ideal situation, an opportunity to work for people who understand your way of life. Yet many times, the boss’s kindness backfires.

If you are an employee, be aware that devotion goes two ways. If you are not happy with your boss, ask yourself if you follow the basic requirements of bain adam lechaveiro towards him. Here is a short list of rules, based on the experiences of my husband, the boss.

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