Rav Zvi Dov Slanger: We regret to inform you of the petira of Rav Slanger 2/6/18. This is an article written in 2014
Once a Pikesville country club, now a yeshiva campus, the Bais HaMedrash and Mesivta of Baltimore is a jewel of Torah learning – and the pride and joy of its founder and Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Zvi Dov Slanger. I recently visited the yeshiva on a weeknight and witnessed over 135 bachurim packing the beis medrash and learning with tremendous enthusiasm. This room filled with a chorus of Torah learning is the fulfillment of Rav Slanger’s dream and the crescendo of his Torah life.
The journey to this accomplishment starts with a young Hungarian Holocaust survivor who, this year, celebrates the momentous