From Detroit to Dulles and Back

I was privileged to be one of about 900 people on the three chartered planes arranged by the Detroit Federation to take us to the March for Israel rally in Washington D.C. The plane I was on landed on time, 10:30 a.m., at an airfield adjacent to Dulles Airport. Everyone excitedly stood up and waited in the aisle to get off the plane. We were anticipating the buses that had been ordered to transport us to the National Mall. After about 45 minutes, we were told that the buses weren’t coming and that there was a problem: The drivers refused to take us to the rally.
Detroit Federation started working on getting other buses, but TSA and FAA regulations were making this difficult. As more and more time passed, you could feel the mood dropping, and by one o’clock, we realized that we might not make it to the rally.