Articles From May 2013

Yummy Yogurt: A Twist in Shavuos


It’s almost Shavuos, and you’re thinking, here comes yet another article about dairy, with the requisite cheesecake recipes. Well, yes and no. I am indeed writing about dairy, and there will in fact be some cheesecake recipes – but with a twist. The focus will be on a dairy food that is most likely not at the top of everyone’s ingredient list for this holiday: yogurt

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Spring Planting Guide, Part 4 Setting out Your Plants & Seeds

vegetable gardening

May is here and slowly but surely the weather is turning warmer. Spring flowers are everywhere and trees have put out their buds and are showing their new spring coat of leaves. The grass has begun to grow once again (oh no, time to mow), and the wild spring onions have shot up, competing with the other unplanned growth as to who’s tallest. And when the ants appear on your kitchen windowsill, it’s a sure sign that all living things have come awake to take advantage of the warm and welcoming growing season. Deep within the gardener’s soul, the latent spark that has lain dormant during the cold winter months is also awakening. It’s time to get out into the garden and set out our plants and seeds.

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When To Swim

“My little daughter loves the pool! She begs to go swimming all the time. The only problem is that I can’t take my eyes off her for a second. If I do, she jumps right into water way over her head and comes up sputtering and laughing and completely ready to do it again. Can you teach her to swim this summer?”

  “My son is terrified of the big pool! He’ll go into a blow-up pool, but if I take him to a real pool, he refuses to go near the water, and if I try to take him

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A Tale Of Three Cities

It started innocently enough. My grandson was getting married in Yerushalayim, and the Benyowitz Bunch started thinking about traveling from Baltimore and celebrating together. A very normal occurrence and a very normal reaction; any frum family would think the same. However, this is a close-knit family of parents, grandparents, and 13 children!

  Yirmiyahu and Esther Miriam Benyowitz, the awesome parents of the chasan, had already made chasanas for their son Mordechai and daughter Bracha, plus a bar mitzva for son Tzvi Hirsh within the last six months. Now they decided that all 13 children would be in attendance at

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