Page 136 - issue
P. 136
people only
by O’Fishel’s make brachos
to eat. I only
eat to make


15C O N T E S T During the reign of King David, a terrible
plague raged, killing 100 people a day from
Mazel Tov to all the Successful unnatural causes. It was revealed through
Completers Who Enjoyed the
asuev jur that if the people would take care
All-the-Brachos-You- to recite 100 ,ufrc a day, the plague would
Can-Make Buffet!
be mitigated. Since then, we have followed the
Photos by Jeff Cohn Halacha to say this minimum each and every day.
Photography We hope that in this merit we will again be saved
from the ravages which afflict our People today…

Special ‘Shkoyach to All Our
O’Fishel Co-Sponsors:


Mr. & Mrs. Joe Namath’s
Stuart Schabes Not related to Broadway Joe!

In honor of Drew Goldscheider’s Bar Mitzvah.
If you see Ed, tell him!

chhk vsuvh ,c ksbhha b’’gk Say a Bracha out Loud for a refuah shleima
van vsuvh ic ktuh iurvt b’’gk for our good friend

Zaide Aharon Yoel & Bubbie Jennie ksbhha ic ixhb.
Sorscher, who always made sure to
make their Brachos loud and clear, and in Every bracha counts – don’t wait ‘til
whose memory this program was initiated. Nisan to daven for Nisan!

By Abe and Laure Gutman and Family Refuah Sheleima for
Refael Chaim Shmuel ben Chava Raizel
Resnick iugna lurc ic kfhn iuhm ic b’’gk
kahp hfsrn ejmh ic vhgah ouka b’’gk Moshe Aharon ben Miriam Esther
Ahuva bas Chana Rochel
karv ic hcm sus b’’gk
Chuna Reuven ben Devorah Fayga
by the Goldschneider Family Yaakov ben Penina

Betty Rombro b’’gk B’soch she’ar cholei Yisrael...

We’re looking for a few (hundred)
good sponsors for our internationally-
acclaimed Summer Masmidim Program.

Call now while supplies last!

O’Fishel’s Summer A NON-PROFIT What Have YOU STAIMAN DESIGN 410-580-0100
ADVENTURE IN Done for Klal
Masmidim Program ENCOURAGING AND Yisrael Today?
Mo’ Mitzvahs,

Mo D’Time

For information on bringing one of these highly successful Tel: 443-660-9132 Fax: 443-660-9136
Mitzvah Motivators Programs to another community, call today!

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