Page 104 - issue
P. 104
While predicting the future using an esrog the saintly miracle worker who “knows”
is more exotic than the standard crystal ball, hidden things is most likely using chi-
the art of psychic deception has been around canery, it would be disingenuous not to
acknowledge that the power to foresee
since time immemorial. the future and to perform miracles
does exist in this world, and some suc-
remember being devastated. It both- son who is praying understands how cesses are real. According to the
ered me for years. I davened and dav- they work. The Gemara teaches that Steipler Gaon, out of the many people
ened. When I had my fourth child, I the Gate of Tears is never locked, and who turn to a miracle man, a certain
breathed a sigh of relief.” the Chazon Ish is known to have said percentage is bound to be granted
that some prayers are answered more mercy by Heaven. Additionally, in order
If seeking out a mekubal isn’t the quickly than others, but no prayer to preserve man’s freedom to choose
answer to one’s challenges, then what returns unanswered. between good and evil, Hashem creat-
is? According to Harav Yaakov Hillel, ed two domains to the world of the
the answer is emuna. Bnei Yisrael Along with faith and prayer, it has occult: the Side of Holiness and the
have been charged with the mitzvah always been customary to seek the Side of Impurity.
of tamim tihiyeh, of being perfectly blessings of a gadol and to ask him to
faithful to Hashem. This entails pray for us. There are many instances Even if a miracle worker seems to be
believing that Hashem alone knows in the Gemara where, in response to a honest and scholarly, it is well-nigh
the future and has power over every- calamity such as drought or sickness, impossible for an ordinary person,
thing which, in turn, precludes con- the people immediately turned to the unlearned and tied to physical pleas-
sulting astrologers and the like about tzaddik of the generation so that he ures, to have achieved the spiritual lev-
one’s destiny. The corollary of faith is should intercede on their behalf to els necessary to attain the Side of
prayer. Rav Hillel writes, “If you seek a avert the decree from Hashem. Holiness. Harav Chaim Vital, zt”l, said it
cure for an illness, or success in learn- is more likely that a person will draw
ing, business, finding a wife or having It is a mistaken belief to think that down powers and inspiration from the
children, rely only on your Father in only those who study Kabbala can Side of Impurity, which is always avail-
Heaven and ask Him for all that you reach great spiritual heights. There are able.
lack.” individuals who, because of their
tremendous efforts in Torah, prayer, There are also those people who did
The purpose of prayer is not to solve mitzvah observance, and perfection of not study enough to become knowl-
problems; the purpose of problems is their characters, merit that their advice, edgeable of the deep philosophies of
to get us to pray. Prayer is a demonstra- prayers and blessings save many from Kabbala, but they made themselves
tion of our belief that Hashem alone distress. These tzadikim, through reputations as kabbalists by studying
can help us. It is proof that our faith is Divine inspiration, know what is hidden practical Kabbala, which does not
perfect. As Harav Chaim Pinchas from the rest of us and can provide require much knowledge. Halachic
Scheinberg, zt”l, wrote in his approba- insight and guidance. authorities and mekubalim alike have
tion to Faith and Folly, “Perfect faith warned against the use of practical
has the power to change nature and The Bottom Line Kabbala. For brachos and advice, one
bring redemption.” “My husband used to go to mekubalim should seek out the teachers of Torah
all the time when he went to Eretz and halachic authorities, the gedolim
It is a serious error to think that only Yisrael. It was always very interesting to and rabbanim of klal Yisrael, whose
the prayers and blessings of those who hear what they said. He doesn’t go any- words and deeds are in full accordance
study Kabbala are effective. While a more. He doesn’t feel it’s the right thing with the Shulchan Aruch and whose
talmid chacham and tzaddik who is to do. It might make you feel good to righteousness and goodness are known
learned in Toras Hanistar knows how know things are going to be good, but to all.
prayers ascend and rectify higher it takes away from your Yiddishkeit.”
worlds, all heartfelt prayers ascend and Rav Hillel sums it up succinctly: “If
rectify worlds whether or not the per- Success isn’t everything. Although you find a righteous saintly person who
is learned in the revealed and hidden
Torah, nothing could be better; howev-
er, if you’re looking only for a kabbalist,
the odds are you will find a fake.”◆

Gitty Pultman, a high school teacher,
thanks Harav Yaakov Hillel for his help
in the preparation of this article.

Reprinted from Binah magazine

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