Page 114 - issue
P. 114
Special Salads
for Shalosh Seudos
I love making special shalosh seu- easy and fun complements to the sal- BY BRACHA SHOR
dos (third meal) dishes. And I love ads below. If you take them out of their
having a whole bunch of various containers and put them into serving flavors blend even better. Refrigerate
salads and dips that can be shared, bowls with a drizzle of olive oil on top for at least 2 hours. Serve at room tem-
passed, and enjoyed throughout and some garnish like sesame seeds or perature.
the meal. Having a lot of salads in parsley, they’ll look fantastic.
serving bowls makes your table FRESH FENNEL SALAD
look and feel festive and elegant, You can make all of these salads on Fennel is very good for you – filled with
and makes your meal delicious and Wednesday and leave them in the vitamin C, minerals, and antioxidants.
fun. fridge until Shabbos. Serve with challa, It’s crunchy, yummy, and has a hint of
breadsticks, or crackers. an anise flavor.
In addition to the salads listed
below, a nice way to round out your CHICKPEA SALAD 2 bulbs fennel
appetizers is to add a couple of fresh This salad is filled with protein and fla- 1 T. olive oil
salads with lettuce and cabbage. A few vor! It reminds me of a chickpea pesto. 1 T. apple cider vinegar
bowls of roasted nuts (cashews, hazel- 1 tsp. salt
nuts, and pistachios) and dried fruit 2 cans chickpeas, drained and rinsed 1⁄4 tsp. pepper
(apricots, prunes, raisins, papaya, and 1⁄4 c. red onion, diced 1 c. mandarin oranges, drained
mango) will give your table variety while 1 tsp. minced fresh garlic
looking impressive. If you don’t have all 1⁄2 pint grape tomatoes, cut in quarters Cut off the leaves of the fennel. You’ll
those serving dishes handy, IKEA has a 1⁄2 c. fresh parsley, chopped (with a few be left with stalks and the bulb.
lot of inexpensive yet nice-looking little sprigs saved for garnish) Julienne the fennel (slice into long
bowls you can buy, or you can always 1⁄4 c. fresh basil, chopped strips), then cut in half. Drizzle with
put the salads in small clear plastic dis- 3 T. olive oil olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper.
posable bowls, making clean up a 1⁄4 c. roasted sunflower seeds Toss. Add mandarin oranges on top
breeze. 1 tsp. salt before serving.
1⁄4 tsp. pepper
Another item for the shalosh seudos 1 T. fresh lemon juice COOKED ZUCCHINI SALAD
table is dips (make sure you have some There’s something about zucchini that
extra rolls for dipping). Hummus, baba Mix all ingredients in a ziplock bag. I love. When it’s cooked, it has a sweet,
ganoush, and dips leftover from Pesach Squeeze out all of the air so that the good-for-you flavor, and it’s filled with
like roasted garlic (which you can now
top with zaatar and the onion dip) are
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for Shalosh Seudos
I love making special shalosh seu- easy and fun complements to the sal- BY BRACHA SHOR
dos (third meal) dishes. And I love ads below. If you take them out of their
having a whole bunch of various containers and put them into serving flavors blend even better. Refrigerate
salads and dips that can be shared, bowls with a drizzle of olive oil on top for at least 2 hours. Serve at room tem-
passed, and enjoyed throughout and some garnish like sesame seeds or perature.
the meal. Having a lot of salads in parsley, they’ll look fantastic.
serving bowls makes your table FRESH FENNEL SALAD
look and feel festive and elegant, You can make all of these salads on Fennel is very good for you – filled with
and makes your meal delicious and Wednesday and leave them in the vitamin C, minerals, and antioxidants.
fun. fridge until Shabbos. Serve with challa, It’s crunchy, yummy, and has a hint of
breadsticks, or crackers. an anise flavor.
In addition to the salads listed
below, a nice way to round out your CHICKPEA SALAD 2 bulbs fennel
appetizers is to add a couple of fresh This salad is filled with protein and fla- 1 T. olive oil
salads with lettuce and cabbage. A few vor! It reminds me of a chickpea pesto. 1 T. apple cider vinegar
bowls of roasted nuts (cashews, hazel- 1 tsp. salt
nuts, and pistachios) and dried fruit 2 cans chickpeas, drained and rinsed 1⁄4 tsp. pepper
(apricots, prunes, raisins, papaya, and 1⁄4 c. red onion, diced 1 c. mandarin oranges, drained
mango) will give your table variety while 1 tsp. minced fresh garlic
looking impressive. If you don’t have all 1⁄2 pint grape tomatoes, cut in quarters Cut off the leaves of the fennel. You’ll
those serving dishes handy, IKEA has a 1⁄2 c. fresh parsley, chopped (with a few be left with stalks and the bulb.
lot of inexpensive yet nice-looking little sprigs saved for garnish) Julienne the fennel (slice into long
bowls you can buy, or you can always 1⁄4 c. fresh basil, chopped strips), then cut in half. Drizzle with
put the salads in small clear plastic dis- 3 T. olive oil olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper.
posable bowls, making clean up a 1⁄4 c. roasted sunflower seeds Toss. Add mandarin oranges on top
breeze. 1 tsp. salt before serving.
1⁄4 tsp. pepper
Another item for the shalosh seudos 1 T. fresh lemon juice COOKED ZUCCHINI SALAD
table is dips (make sure you have some There’s something about zucchini that
extra rolls for dipping). Hummus, baba Mix all ingredients in a ziplock bag. I love. When it’s cooked, it has a sweet,
ganoush, and dips leftover from Pesach Squeeze out all of the air so that the good-for-you flavor, and it’s filled with
like roasted garlic (which you can now
top with zaatar and the onion dip) are
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