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BALTIMORESITTER.COM to find a babysitter, though, the idea for parents to find her. Or she can sim-
starts to lose its appeal. ply check the latest jobs that were post-
Old Problem, New Approach ed publicly and apply.
Q: I totally hear the problem, but how
“Wby Devora Schor will a website solve this issue? There Q: It definitely sounds very convenient,
ow! Why didn’t anyone think seems to be a shortage of babysitters, but how do I know I trust this babysit-
of this before?” is the as many young women do not want to ter?
amazed response when babysit. A: Parents can check who has hired
people learn about the new A: Did you ever need to hire someone this sitter in the past and message
website, to drive you somewhere? You would them through the site. In addition, all
We live in a new world of eBay, Uber, think that no one would be interested. sitters who worked for a family will
Airbnb, and other sites that match However, when people are offered a show up on the family profile page, and
those who have a need with those who steady job doing just that, it is sudden- the families can then be contacted
can provide it. And in our own commu- ly an enticing opportunity. That is why about her. There is also an option to
nity, numerous organizations, gemachs, Uber and other ridesharing businesses leave a public comment about the sit-
and services exist for every possible are so successful. ter. This way you can recommend a
need. Yet one of the most ubiquitous babysitter who did a good job for your
problems of young parents goes largely The same is true of babysitting. family.
unmet: That is, “How do I find a Although people may not be that inter-
babysitter for a simcha, shiur, or ‘date’ ested in changing their schedule for Q: From the family’s point of view, this
night?” Here, the founder of some extra cash, when it turns into a is very convenient, but why would I let answers the FAQs steady income, many of them might be. my daughter sign up for this site? How
about the new website that aims to fill Someone babysitting three hours a do I know these people are who they
this gap. night at $12 an hour is making close to claim to be?
$1,000 a month! That’s more than A: You are absolutely right! We strongly
◆◆◆ some teens make working an entire recommend that all babysitters use
Q: What exactly is summer, full time! caution. One option is to check out the
A: is a website family’s profile page for someone who
where babysitters can come to get jobs, Q: How does it work? worked for them in the past, and con-
and families can come to hire babysit- A: The website provides two sign-up tact them. Another option is to use the
ters. places: one for babysitters and one shul information included in the fami-
for families. The babysitter is asked ly’s profile to find someone who knows
Q: Interesting! What inspired you to to fill in general information, along them.
create this website? with the times she is generally avail-
A: I was on line at a store, and the lady able and how much she would like to Q: It sounds amazing! How much
behind the counter mentioned to a get paid. She does not enter her does it cost for me to use the site?
customer that she did babysitting at phone number or location. The only A: Nothing. For now, it’s free.
night. Immediately, three or four of the way to contact the babysitter is
women on line took down her phone through the website. Q: When can people start signing up?
number. I realized then how desperate A: They can start right now! In order
people were! The parents also have a signup for this to work we need members of
form. After creating an account, they the community to participate, either
It is well known that couples need to can create a job, with the time and by signing up to babysit or to find a
get out – and not just for PTA and sim- date the sitter is needed. A family can- babysitter. We urge families to
chas. It is important to spend time out not contact a babysitter unless they please be patient, though. It may
with each other. When it is so difficult have first posted a job. They can sort take a few weeks to build up a large
through the sitters based on age, price, selection of babysitters to choose
and times available. There is also an from!
option to post the job publicly, in
which case, any sitter who sees it can ◆◆◆
apply. really sounds
like a win-win solution. It will help cou-
Q: If a sitter wants a job tonight, how ples get that sacred night out and at
would she go about it? the same time provide an opportunity
A: She would first confirm that she is for a steady income for babysitters.
available at a certain time, which will Thanks for taking the time to explain
cause her profile to float to the top of how it works! ◆
all the babysitters and make it easier

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