As the population in our special Baltimore community grows, its financial needs unfortunately continue to increase dramatically as well. Ahavas Yisrael Charity Fund is called upon daily to assist those who are struggling financially and having trouble keeping up with basic living expenses. Guided by our wonderful Rabbanim, Ahavas Yisrael responds to each call, always preserving the dignity and confidentiality of individuals and families in need. Here are some of Ahavas Yisrael’s newest developments.
Days of Repentence Projects
Ahavas Yisrael is now embarking on an annual fundraiser for the Aseres Yemei Teshuva campaign. In addition to an appeal in every shul on Shabbos Shuva, you will soon receive our newly designed brochure with a self-addressed envelope. Please be as generous as you can when responding to this mailing. We would love to see 100 percent community support and participation in this most important community tzedaka. (You may also donate online at www.ahavasyisrael.org.) Your donation, however small, will make a difference. Let’s make sure no one goes hungry tonight.
Each year, the culmination of the Ahavas Yisrael’s Yomim Nora’im campaign is The Rabbi Frand Teshuva Drasha. This year, the drasha, sponsored by the Baltimore Orthodox Synagogue Council, will take place on October 2, 2014 at 8 p.m. at Shomrei Emunah Congregation, and will benefit Ahavas Yisrael.
Tzedaka Boxes for your Home
Around the Yomim Nora’im, you will receive an Ahavas Yisrael tzedaka box for your home. Please designate a prominent place for your tzedaka box, where you and your children will see it and be reminded of the importance of giving tzedaka on a regular basis (including Erev Shabbos before candle-lighting). We suggest that, twice a year, you empty and count the contents of your pushka and mail a check to Ahavas Yisrael. A self-addressed envelope is enclosed in your pushka for that purpose. Consider mailing the tzedaka on Chanukah, during the Nine Days, or maybe even on your birthday, so you will not have dollars and coins sitting around and not being put to good use.
You may have noticed recent ads asking members in our community if they have available inexpensive rental rooms or apartments. Ahavas Yisrael receives many requests for these and is reaching out to see if we can help accommodate those who need small living quarters. If you have a room or rooms to rent, Ahavas Yisrael may have a tenant who is in need of such a rental. Please call 818-571-9281. Of course, it would be your responsibility to interview and determine whether this potential tenant would be a good match for you. Please check his or her references.
Mostly Volunteer
As you are aware, Ahavas Yisrael has operated as an all-volunteer organization for the last 36 years. At a recent Ahavas Yisrael board meeting, the Rabbanim and executive board of Ahavas Yisrael determined that it was time to employ an executive director in order to meet the growing demands of our community. Based on his leadership abilities, as well as his 36 years of experience overseeing every facet of the organization, they unanimously voted to elect Rabbi Boruch Brull, a cofounder of Ahavas Yisrael (along with R’ Elozer Isbee, zt”l) to fill this role. Moving forward, Rabbi Brull will work together with our dedicated volunteers, board members, and Rabbanim, to increase our ability to help others.
New Board Members
Over the last two years, Ahavas Yisrael has added new, young, and dynamic members to our executive board. Avi Bernstein, Nechemia Weinreb, Shraga Goldenhersh, and Zevy Wolman have contributed greatly to our management team and have infused energy into our operations. Many new and energetic volunteers – among them Yanky Katz, Levi Friedman, Jules Friedman, Avi Greenlinger, and Shmuel Hyatt, just to just mention a few – have spent countless hours working on special projects to help meet community demands.
On behalf of the entire Ahavas Yisrael family, we thank all of you for your very generous support and we wish you and your mishpacha a kesiva vechasima tova!
Ahavas Yisrael News
by Eli W. Schlossberg
As the population in our special Baltimore community grows, its financial needs unfortunately continue to increase dramatically as well. Ahavas Yisrael Charity Fund is called upon daily to assist those who are struggling financially and having trouble keeping up with basic living expenses. Guided by our wonderful Rabbanim, Ahavas Yisrael responds to each call, always preserving the dignity and confidentiality of individuals and families in need. Here are some of Ahavas Yisrael’s newest developments.
Days of Repentence Projects
Ahavas Yisrael is now embarking on an annual fundraiser for the Aseres Yemei Teshuva campaign. In addition to an appeal in every shul on Shabbos Shuva, you will soon receive our newly designed brochure with a self-addressed envelope. Please be as generous as you can when responding to this mailing. We would love to see 100 percent community support and participation in this most important community tzedaka. (You may also donate online at www.ahavasyisrael.org.) Your donation, however small, will make a difference. Let’s make sure no one goes hungry tonight.
Each year, the culmination of the Ahavas Yisrael’s Yomim Nora’im campaign is The Rabbi Frand Teshuva Drasha. This year, the drasha, sponsored by the Baltimore Orthodox Synagogue Council, will take place on October 2, 2014 at 8 p.m. at Shomrei Emunah Congregation, and will benefit Ahavas Yisrael.
Tzedaka Boxes for your Home
Around the Yomim Nora’im, you will receive an Ahavas Yisrael tzedaka box for your home. Please designate a prominent place for your tzedaka box, where you and your children will see it and be reminded of the importance of giving tzedaka on a regular basis (including Erev Shabbos before candle-lighting). We suggest that, twice a year, you empty and count the contents of your pushka and mail a check to Ahavas Yisrael. A self-addressed envelope is enclosed in your pushka for that purpose. Consider mailing the tzedaka on Chanukah, during the Nine Days, or maybe even on your birthday, so you will not have dollars and coins sitting around and not being put to good use.
You may have noticed recent ads asking members in our community if they have available inexpensive rental rooms or apartments. Ahavas Yisrael receives many requests for these and is reaching out to see if we can help accommodate those who need small living quarters. If you have a room or rooms to rent, Ahavas Yisrael may have a tenant who is in need of such a rental. Please call 818-571-9281. Of course, it would be your responsibility to interview and determine whether this potential tenant would be a good match for you. Please check his or her references.
Mostly Volunteer
As you are aware, Ahavas Yisrael has operated as an all-volunteer organization for the last 36 years. At a recent Ahavas Yisrael board meeting, the Rabbanim and executive board of Ahavas Yisrael determined that it was time to employ an executive director in order to meet the growing demands of our community. Based on his leadership abilities, as well as his 36 years of experience overseeing every facet of the organization, they unanimously voted to elect Rabbi Boruch Brull, a cofounder of Ahavas Yisrael (along with R’ Elozer Isbee, zt”l) to fill this role. Moving forward, Rabbi Brull will work together with our dedicated volunteers, board members, and Rabbanim, to increase our ability to help others.
New Board Members
Over the last two years, Ahavas Yisrael has added new, young, and dynamic members to our executive board. Avi Bernstein, Nechemia Weinreb, Shraga Goldenhersh, and Zevy Wolman have contributed greatly to our management team and have infused energy into our operations. Many new and energetic volunteers – among them Yanky Katz, Levi Friedman, Jules Friedman, Avi Greenlinger, and Shmuel Hyatt, just to just mention a few – have spent countless hours working on special projects to help meet community demands.
On behalf of the entire Ahavas Yisrael family, we thank all of you for your very generous support and we wish you and your mishpacha a kesiva vechasima tova!
by Eli W. Schlossberg
As the population in our special Baltimore community grows, its financial needs unfortunately continue to increase dramatically as well. Ahavas Yisrael Charity Fund is called upon daily to assist those who are struggling financially and having trouble keeping up with basic living expenses. Guided by our wonderful Rabbanim, Ahavas Yisrael responds to each call, always preserving the dignity and confidentiality of individuals and families in need. Here are some of Ahavas Yisrael’s newest developments.
Days of Repentence Projects
Ahavas Yisrael is now embarking on an annual fundraiser for the Aseres Yemei Teshuva campaign. In addition to an appeal in every shul on Shabbos Shuva, you will soon receive our newly designed brochure with a self-addressed envelope. Please be as generous as you can when responding to this mailing. We would love to see 100 percent community support and participation in this most important community tzedaka. (You may also donate online at www.ahavasyisrael.org.) Your donation, however small, will make a difference. Let’s make sure no one goes hungry tonight.
Each year, the culmination of the Ahavas Yisrael’s Yomim Nora’im campaign is The Rabbi Frand Teshuva Drasha. This year, the drasha, sponsored by the Baltimore Orthodox Synagogue Council, will take place on October 2, 2014 at 8 p.m. at Shomrei Emunah Congregation, and will benefit Ahavas Yisrael.
Tzedaka Boxes for your Home
Around the Yomim Nora’im, you will receive an Ahavas Yisrael tzedaka box for your home. Please designate a prominent place for your tzedaka box, where you and your children will see it and be reminded of the importance of giving tzedaka on a regular basis (including Erev Shabbos before candle-lighting). We suggest that, twice a year, you empty and count the contents of your pushka and mail a check to Ahavas Yisrael. A self-addressed envelope is enclosed in your pushka for that purpose. Consider mailing the tzedaka on Chanukah, during the Nine Days, or maybe even on your birthday, so you will not have dollars and coins sitting around and not being put to good use.
You may have noticed recent ads asking members in our community if they have available inexpensive rental rooms or apartments. Ahavas Yisrael receives many requests for these and is reaching out to see if we can help accommodate those who need small living quarters. If you have a room or rooms to rent, Ahavas Yisrael may have a tenant who is in need of such a rental. Please call 818-571-9281. Of course, it would be your responsibility to interview and determine whether this potential tenant would be a good match for you. Please check his or her references.
Mostly Volunteer
As you are aware, Ahavas Yisrael has operated as an all-volunteer organization for the last 36 years. At a recent Ahavas Yisrael board meeting, the Rabbanim and executive board of Ahavas Yisrael determined that it was time to employ an executive director in order to meet the growing demands of our community. Based on his leadership abilities, as well as his 36 years of experience overseeing every facet of the organization, they unanimously voted to elect Rabbi Boruch Brull, a cofounder of Ahavas Yisrael (along with R’ Elozer Isbee, zt”l) to fill this role. Moving forward, Rabbi Brull will work together with our dedicated volunteers, board members, and Rabbanim, to increase our ability to help others.
New Board Members
Over the last two years, Ahavas Yisrael has added new, young, and dynamic members to our executive board. Avi Bernstein, Nechemia Weinreb, Shraga Goldenhersh, and Zevy Wolman have contributed greatly to our management team and have infused energy into our operations. Many new and energetic volunteers – among them Yanky Katz, Levi Friedman, Jules Friedman, Avi Greenlinger, and Shmuel Hyatt, just to just mention a few – have spent countless hours working on special projects to help meet community demands.
On behalf of the entire Ahavas Yisrael family, we thank all of you for your very generous support and we wish you and your mishpacha a kesiva vechasima tova!