Appeasement as Official Policy


As chaos, confusion, and darkness descend upon the world, I occasionally reminisce about the America of my youth. Sometimes I find comfort in recalling the privilege of growing up in an optimistic time, post-World War II. Sadly, that America is gone – replaced by an Orwellian, dystopian mess.

When I was young, we went to school to learn to read, write, and become good citizens. Everyday we prayed to G-d, recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag with our hand over our heart, and sang the “Star Spangled Banner.” We loved our country, looked up to our heroes in sports, in the movies, and on TV. (In those days, movies and TV weren’t toxic because of strictly enforced “morality” standards.) We respected the police and were in awe of the FBI. In those days, “heroes” meant good guys who did good things, fought for worthy causes, and were role models for good citizenship.

When I was growing up, “good,” “bad,” “right,” and “wrong” were not matters of opinion. Facts were facts. Things were clear. If it was illegal, immoral, or unethical, you were taught not to do it. Of course, that required an objective understanding of morality and respect for the rights of others, something ingrained in us from early childhood. These days, bigotry masquerading as equity and inclusion has exposed major defects in the diversity training, DEI programs at elite U.S. universities. Our universities have become havens for ethically challenged, morally deficient individuals lacking critical thinking skills. That includes faculty and students.

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In the 1980s, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya was one of the primary sponsors and supporters of Islamic terrorism. Iran was only number two then. Gaddafi despised Israel and the United States and sought their destruction. In the spring of 1986, Gaddafi had pushed Ronald Reagan too far. Reagan responded by sending 100 fighter jets into Libya, decisively bombing targets in Tripoli and Benghazi. Gaddafi barely escaped death. A message was clearly delivered to Gaddafi – and the world – regarding the resolve of the United States to fight terror and terrorists. Because of Reagan’s “simple” and “clear” policies, which projected U.S. power and resolve, the Soviet Union collapsed a little over two years after he left office. It is noteworthy that the anti-missile defense system concepts proposed by Ronald Reagan, which then-Senator Joe Biden vehemently opposed and ridiculed, are the systems that are now being used by Israel and the U.S. for self-defense.

Contrast Reagan’s America with the America of today, in which the Biden administration supplies our enemies with the necessary funds to wage war against us and our allies, while allowing direct attacks on our sailors and soldiers, with no consequences for the attackers. Stunning! The U.S. has become a pathetic paper shell of what it once was. We are no longer the defenders of democracy. And our enemies and allies know it!

The post-racial America that elected Barack Obama now has to deal with the racial grievances and divisions that he nurtured, having been mentored by the renowned antisemite Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan, as well as other grievance-based America haters, such as Bill Ayers. Obama’s charm, along with and the desire of a nation to prove that race was no longer a political issue, contributed largely to Obama’s victory – although it is noteworthy that lifelong Democrat Joe Lieberman, a”h, who throughout his life was a civil rights warrior, backed and campaigned for John McCain in 2008 because he understood that Obama was unqualified to serve as president.

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Several months ago, following the embarrassing testimonies by the presidents of the University of Pennsylvania, MIT, and Harvard, I was pleased that Liz Magill of Penn and Claudine Gay of Harvard resigned. Sadly, their replacements are hardly better. I’m waiting for Sally Kornbluth’s resignation. As expected, Claudine Gay blamed her resignation on racists. No, Claudine; you were an unfit president, as was Liz Magill and as is Sally Kornbluth, who is Jewish. Being called “racist” and “bigot” is the standard woke method of intimidation used to shut down free speech and honest dissent. I’m tired of hearing it. I pray that there is still a majority in this country that has had enough of being intimidated and silenced by the woke DEI protocols supported by the Left.

Just as Barack Obama preferred Iran to Israel, he, like Joe Biden, allowed the totally corrupt UN to sanction Israel. This time, the U.S. government did it in the middle of Israel fighting a war for its very survival. So much for Joe Biden’s “rock solid” support. But, given his history I am neither surprised nor amazed by Biden’s feckless weakness and hypocrisy, especially since he is surrounded by former Obama advisors who want to remake America by supporting and empowering its enemies. The reality that we now have members of Congress supporting blatantly evil terror organizations is chilling!
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I met Melanie Phillips in London in 2004 at a lunch-and-learn where I was speaking. It was a privilege to get to know her. Two years later, in 2006, she published a prophetic book entitled Londonistan: How Britain Is Creating a Terror State Within. Melanie, a long-time respected British journalist is despised by the woke liberal Left. They call her a far-right extremist. I know her; she is not! She refers to herself as “a liberal who has been mugged by reality.” She is a recipient of (believe it or not) the Orwell Prize for Journalism. Recently, Melanie wrote an excellent column, entitled “The American Betrayal of Israel.” I felt it was important to share the view of a journalist living overseas and observing America from afar.
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The American Betrayal of Israel
by Melanie Phillips


The suggestion that Israel is no better than Hamas is a pernicious lie spread by those who want Israel gone. As some of us have long feared and that has now become undeniable, Israel is fighting not one but two wars of defense against a malevolent foe.

The first is against the axis of Iran and its proxies: Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis of Yemen. The second is against America.

The Biden administration is planning to construct a pier off the Gaza shore to (in their words) facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid. Israeli TV’s Channel 14 reported that, astoundingly, the Americans have handed over the financing and management of this pier to Qatar, the founder, funder, and protector of Hamas and therefore the godfather of the Oct. 7 pogrom.

Channel 14 said the Qataris demanded that the new pier be built by a Gaza company named Al Hissi, which is controlled by Hamas. Giving Qatar control of this pier would ensure Hamas continues to exist, enrich itself, and attack Israel with an open route into Gaza. As Yigal Carmon, the founder of MEMRI, has written in horror: “The U.S. has flipped sides, from Israel to Qatar.”

America could end this war tomorrow by telling the Qataris that unless they instruct Hamas to surrender and release the hostages, Qatar will forfeit its preferential treatment by the United States and will henceforth be treated instead as an international pariah. Instead, America is feeding Israel into the Qatari jaws. The outcome, writes Carmon, will be escalation into a total regional war by Iran not only against Israel but America as well. America’s action is so preposterous it’s hard to believe. Yet in any event, the Biden administration has already pivoted from supporting the destruction of Hamas to working for its ultimate victory.

The administration has been relentlessly pressuring Israel to admit more and more aid into Gaza, accusing it falsely of stopping the trucks and ignoring the fact that most of this aid is being stolen by Hamas to enable it to survive at the expense of the needy civilian population.

The United States is determined to impose rule in post-war Gaza by the Palestinian Authority, despite the fact that the Palestinian Authority’s ruling party, Fatah, has exulted at the Oct. 7 pogrom and declared that it will continue such attacks. The administration is determined to impose upon Israel a Palestine state, even though this would become another “Hamastan” and place central Israel in grave danger of Oct. 7-style attacks on steroids. And with Israel now attacking the last redoubt of Hamas in Rafah, which is key to the defeat of this genocidal enemy, America is subjecting Israel to intense pressure to abandon this final front of the war. Biden intervened to hold up already approved, and needed, arms shipments to Israel.

A common explanation for this shocking American reversal is that, in this election year, President Joe Biden has to play to the anti-Israel gallery in the Democratic Party. Maybe so; but rather more significant is the endemic hostility to Israel within his administration and, above all, its pathological hatred of Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, whom the administration is astonishingly trying to push out.

New York Magazine has reported an Israeli expert frequently consulted by U.S. officials saying, “I have been asked by a serious administration figure what it is that will force the Netanyahu coalition to collapse. They were interested in the mechanics, specifically what can the U.S. demand which will collapse his coalition.”

This is not only an outrageous attempt to oust the democratically elected leader of a sovereign country. It’s also based on a fundamental error.

The Biden administration doesn’t understand that, despite widespread opposition to Netanyahu over his domestic record, Israel is united in support of going into Rafah to defeat Hamas. It’s also united, post-Oct. 7, in opposition to a Palestinian state. But having invested Netanyahu with diabolical qualities, the American Left believes that if only he could be removed, Israel would meekly fall into line with U.S. demands. This was illustrated by the Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. In a shocking statement, he called for an Israeli election “once the war starts to wind down” to oust Netanyahu.

Far worse, Schumer parroted the blood libels being used to demonize Israel by its enemies. Claiming to be one of the Jews who “love Israel in our bones,” he stated in the next breath, “I’m anguished that the Israeli war campaign has killed so many innocent Palestinians. I know that my fellow Jewish Americans feel the same anguish when they see the images of dead and starving children and destroyed homes.” Every civilian death in wartime is tragic. But “so many innocents” is based on Hamas casualty figures that inflate the numbers and totally omit the Hamas forces they include.

Even more nauseatingly, Schumer smeared Israel still further by intoning, “We must be better than our enemies, lest we become them.” The suggestion that Israel is no better than Hamas is a pernicious lie spread by those who want Israel gone. In fact, Israel’s ratio of civilians to combatants killed is fewer than 1.5 civilians for every one combatant, far better than any other country’s army has ever achieved.

Israel is not just fighting to defend itself against genocide. It is on the front line of the West’s defense against its enemies and the defense of civilization against barbarism. Western Leftist liberals can’t acknowledge this because they can’t allow their unchallengeable orthodoxies of Palestinian powerlessness, “peace processes,” and Western iniquity to be destroyed. So they have turned on the Jews. Jewish suffering has to be erased because it gets in the way of the narrative. That’s why the eruption of Palestinianism throughout the West is so shattering. People wonder why the forests of Palestinian flags at the incendiary anti-Israel demonstrations are in themselves so intimidating. It’s because the Palestine cause is not two states side by side. Palestinian identity consists entirely of the intention to eradicate Israel by the hijacking and appropriation of Jewish history. Palestinianism stands for the erasure of Jewish national identity and wiping the Jewish people out of their own historic homeland.

That’s why anti-Israel thugs have ripped apart a painting in Cambridge University of Arthur Balfour, the British prime minister who gave his name to the 1917 declaration of British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. It’s why people across the West have been ripping down the posters of the Israeli hostages. They are all trying to rip Israel and the Jews out of their headspace and their world altogether. That’s why the betrayal by Schumer and American Jews who still support the Democratic Party’s Israel-bashing agenda is so devastating.

Schumer claims that his name derives from the Hebrew shomer, or “guardian”; and so he boasts to be the shomer of Jewish values. “What horrifies so many Jews especially,” he said, “is our sense that Israel is falling short of upholding these distinctly Jewish values that we hold so dear.”

How dare he! He is not a shomer. What has horrified so many is that Schumer and other Leftist American Jews who are taking aim at Israel are using “Jewish values” as a shield behind which they are betraying Israel and the Jewish people and delivering them to their enemies. Along with the shills for Israel’s surrender in the Biden administration, they present an obscene and disgusting spectacle.

“In every generation,” said the Jews at Passover, “they rise up against us.” To the enemies of the Jewish people today, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, we must add the Biden administration, Chuck Schumer, and the Jewish fifth column.

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Unfortunately, just as Melanie Phillips has been “mugged by reality,” so have I. The problem for me and, I dare say, most reasonable Americans is that we would like a non-narcissistic, non-egomaniac, non-geriatric, stable, sane, honest, and capable person to vote for in November. In a recent article I quoted former Attorney General William Barr, who said, “Voting for Donald Trump is playing Russian roulette with the country, but voting for Joe Biden is outright suicide.”

How tragic it is that this is the current reality of a once-great nation now in steep decline. American weakness overseas, especially our choice of enemies over allies, our non-existent borders – welcoming in many millions of illegals, of whom a significant number are criminals and terrorists – is problematic for many Americans. Our ridiculous energy policies, our DEI thought police, the corruption of the FBI and CIA, together with the outrageous and unpunished violent crimes in our cities, may very well cause an angry, ignored, and frustrated electorate to choose Russian Roulette over suicide. If that is our choice, I’ll choose Russian Roulette.

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In my column right after the October massacre, I shared the plight of the Perez family of Yad Binyamin. One son had been taken hostage, the other seriously wounded. At the time, I asked that we keep Doniel Shimon ben Sharon in our tefillos. Sadly, Doniel Shimon was declared dead on the seventh of Adar 2. The funeral was extremely emotional. Doniel’s mother Shelley is like a daughter to us, and his dad, Doron, like a son. Rabbi Doron is the head of World Mizrachi.

Having had years of experience dealing with bereavement, nothing prepared me for the unique circumstances of this situation. When Shelley and Doron called very late on Motzei Shabbos (Sunday morning, March 17, in Israel) we cried together. The shiva was terribly difficult because so many of those coming to be menachem avel needed comfort themselves.

Doniel Perez was a 22-year-old Captain in the IDF (yes, a captain at 22). On October 7th, he fought valiantly against overwhelming odds at the Gaza border. His tank crews were credited with eliminating over 220 terrorists and saving many Jewish lives. After running out of fuel and ammunition, his tank was overrun by terrorists, and he was killed. Doniel’s lifeless body was dragged back to Gaza. It was only after the assault on the Shifra Hospital (Hamas headquarters) that a video confirming Doniel’s death was discovered. May Hashem comfort the Perez family, and may Doniel Shimon ben Doron’s neshama have a complete aliyah.

Speaking following shiva, Rav Doron said, “After 163 heart-wrenching days of angst, anxiety, prayers, and mitzvos in Doniel’s merit, we now know that he died on Shabbat Simchat Torah. So many people prayed for him over the last five months – and some are asking if those prayers were in vain.” Rav Doron continued, “Nothing could be further from the truth for two reasons. Although we didn’t receive the result we had hoped for, we have solace in knowing that Doniel didn’t suffer at the hands of Hamas. To us, that is a tremendous relief. His loss is very painful, but because of your prayers, we finally have closure. Also, we all davened for not only Doniel, but for all of the hostages. Therefore, it was never only about our son. Our prayers were not in vain.”

Rabbi Perez continued, “We as a family have been in a terrible state of limbo for five months. Now we are able to properly mourn for our son and concentrate on the wonderful years we had with him.” Rav Doron said, “Prayer is something which changes us first and foremost. Prayer is not only about impacting the world; it’s about impacting ourselves also. Once we change ourselves, we can help change the world. We have witnessed that firsthand. As barriers between Jews have come down, as Am Yisrael became one through acts of chesed, challah bakes, mitzvot, and charity, we have all changed and become closer to one another and to Hashem.”

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Here in America, we are struggling to deal with the antisemitism, which is now being not only tolerated but encouraged globally by corrupt, immoral campus officials, governments, politicians, the United Nations, and (so-called) journalists, most of whom are morally bankrupt. For them, integrity and ethics are either nonexistent or flexible. Jews have been accused of “running the world.” The fact is that Jews do, in fact, run the world – but not in the way the antisemites think! It really is all about us. Our behavior as Jews – our faithfulness to our Torah values – influences the world for better or worse.

In 1948, Israel was isolated and alone. The world (including the U.S. State Department) was just fine if the new Jewish state would have been demolished in its infancy by Arab armies. But, with G-d’s direct intervention, miracles occurred, and much to the amazement of the world, an overwhelmingly outnumbered and outgunned Israel defeated the well equipped enemy armies.

As we celebrated Pesach, we were reminded that as the heart of Pharaoh continued to harden, the miracles became greater, culminating in the crossing of the sea. It is also important to remember that the purpose of the Exodus was to come to Sinai to receive the Torah in order to serve G-d and perform mitzvos. The more we focus our energies on observing G-d’s commandments, the more we join together as we did at Sinai (Ish echad b’lev echad as a nation bound together with one heart), the more Hashem will reveal Himself. After Iran fired over 300 assorted missiles at Israel and 99% were intercepted, only a faithless person would not see the miraculous hand of G-d.

On May 8th, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was called to testify before the Senate concerning Biden’s decision (or the decision made for him by his handlers) to withhold critical arms and ammunition for Israel, which had been approved by Congress. Senator Lindsey Graham demolished Biden’s Defense Secretary and the generals flanking him. This is a small part of their exchange:

Graham to Austin: “Do you think that Hamas, Iran, and Hezbollah want to destroy the Jews?”

Austin: “Yes.”

Graham: “So how do you impose restrictions on Israel’s ability to defend itself? What an absolute absurdity. Give Israel what it needs to conduct the war, which it cannot afford to lose.”

It’s worth listening to the entire interview which is online.

Thank G-d that there are senators who have guts and moral clarity. Sadly, our Executive Branch has embraced the Neville Chamberlain doctrine of appeasement. It didn’t work then, and it’s not working now. “Appeasement,” as Hugo Gurdon, editor of the Washington Examiner, wrote, “encourages more of the same. It has done so repeatedly since the 2020 riots following George Floyd’s death. Trespass, intimidation, violence, theft, and vandalism have been legitimized as political dissent.”

As far as Iran is concerned appeasement means exactly what it meant to the Nazisweakness!

I do not know what G-d has in store for His children. But I do know that we will not be forsaken. Maybe those of us living here in the USA needed a reminder that we are indeed in galus (exile). Maybe Jews in Israel and around the world needed to stop our internal arguing and nurture our better selves. Maybe we need to improve on our mitzvah observance, our davening, and the way we relate to others.

We can desire nothing better than what is expressed in our beloved prayer “Acheinu Kol Beis Yisrael”: “Our brothers, the entire house of Israel, who are in distress and captivity, whether on the sea or dry land May Almighty G-d have mercy upon them and remove them from distress, from darkness to light, from salvation to redemption, now, speedily and soon.” 

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