Cousin Rabbi Dovid Trenk, zt”l


We set out for Lakewood a few months before Pesach, 2019, to visit our dear cousin Rabbi Dovid Trenk, zt”l, who was not well. To most of the world, Rabbi Trenk was a beloved long-time rebbe in Adelphia Yeshiva. More recently, he was the revered Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Moreshes Yehoshua. In his over-50-year career teaching Torah, he was an inspiration and mentor to thousands of talmidim. (The biography of this talmid chacham, Just Love Them, by Yisroel Besser, which came out recently, is the top Jewish bestseller of the season.) But for me, he was simply Reb Dovid, an extraordinary individual and a cherished friend and cousin.

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