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Ma’aleh Amos


When I first came as a young bachur to Eretz Yisrael, I thought, no chance I would stay to live here. I was in a typical state of denial, convincing myself that back in “my” home country everything was better; there’s nothing like America. I had two married brothers learning in Eretz Yisrael at the time, and I just came here to grow in learning in a different setting.

From mid-high school in my hometown of Baltimore, I skipped to a post-high school Israeli yeshiva gedola – Yeshivas Kol Torah in the Yerushalayim neighborhood of Bayit Vegan. It took a little time to acclimate to the people, language, and culture, and to being away from home. There were a lot of ups and downs, but, b”H, I was able to push past the hard parts and make it through yeshiva.

During this time, as I got a bit out of being defensive for my “home country,” I advanced to “I’m too young now; I’m not going to think about living here now.” It was only later, a year-and-a-half before I got married, that I thought about it again and realized that I didn’t have much more anywhere else. My friends were here, I had some family here, and my rebbeim were here as well. I sort of just realized that I’m here, too – it’s Eretz Yisrael; this is my real home country. Of course, I had some family back in the U.S., but I was sure they would also love to come to Eretz Yisrael, so why shouldn’t I stay?

It wasn’t that I stayed here by default; there were positive things I appreciated about living here. There is a high level of Torah and yiras Shamayim, and of course the ma’ala and kedusha of Eretz Yisrael that I wouldn’t have back in America.

I started shidduchim here in Eretz Yisrael and got married to someone from an American-Israeli family we knew from Beitar. Her two brothers learned with me in Kol Torah, and my parents were acquainted with her parents. This made things a lot easier.

After getting married in Eretz Yisrael, we moved into a really small apartment (called here yechidat diur, a housing unit) in the Geulah neighborhood of Yerushalayim. It is very common here for young couples to start out for a short time in a yechidat diur; they are often too small for even the first baby! I then started learning in Yeshivas Brisk of R’ Avrohom Yehoshua Soloveitchik, shlita, and my wife worked in the Har Nof neighborhood. The bus ride to Har Nof every morning, going through all of Geulah traffic, could take a full hour.

We moved several months ago to the chareidi yishuv of Ma’aleh Amos. Although some might have a feeling that it’s a bit “out-of-the center,” it actually takes my wife less time to get to work in Har Nof than when she had to go through the Geulah traffic! Some friends were wary of moving to Ma’aleh Amos, as it is supposedly in an Arab area. We do drive through some Arab areas a bit, but I don’t find it to be a real issue; in some ways it is actually safer than in Yerushalayim.

As for me, since moving I switched to a kollel in Yerushalayim, joining another three avreichim (kollel learners) from the yishuv attending the same kollel. Traveling by car, it is a short commute – I get a ride every day with someone from the yishuv who works in Yerushalayim.

When we had started our search for more affordable housing, we were concerned we would have to leave our family and friends behind and venture into unfamiliar territory. Most of the financially realistic options for us were a long commute away to the north or south, where Yerushalayim could no longer realistically remain the center of life. We were relieved to find that Ma’aleh Amos would allow us to enjoy affordable housing while maintaining our connection with Yerushalayim. In a sense, I feel as if we never really left Yerushalayim.

The atmosphere here in Ma’aleh Amos is relaxing, and there is beautiful achdus (unity) among the residents. It’s a small place where people are helpful and friendly while not being intruding and judging. People are accepted for who they are: avreichim and working people alike. People mostly know each other. Everyone helps in his or her own way, such as arranging meals for families after birth, etc. Local drivers stop by the yishuv gate to offer people rides. All in all, we’ve been very happy here.

In general, people here are from yeshiva backgrounds, though a chasidish community is starting, as the Biala Rebbe is sending his chasidim to live here. They opened a shul in addition to the central Litvish shul. In this small place, it’s nice to have another minyan with additional times for Shacharis, Mincha and Maariv.

Aside from myself and my wife, there are several Americans and children of American immigrants who are English speakers living here. For anyone who would want to live here but is not yet integrated into the Israeli community, I’m sure we’d all be happy to help.

On Hashem’s Schedule

There were recently several new developments here in Ma’aleh Amos which make it even easier to live here.

There are a few buses a day to Yerushalayim, and a new shuttle service between Ma’aleh Amos and Beitar affords more commuting options. A popular countrywide once-a-week “neighborhood goods sale” opened a local branch, where we order supplies and groceries to be delivered to the yishuv. A major supermarket from a nearby city started offering home delivery for our yishuv, albeit for a small fee. We are no longer dependent on the small local makolet (grocery), which isn’t open all day.

All of these developments happened about the time we moved to the yishuv, half a year after we were originally scheduled to move. While waiting, we were a bit frustrated about the delay, but afterwards realized how Hashem cared for us – making sure we’d come only when it would be even easier for us here.


This article is part of the Eretz Chemdah series featuring Anglo-Chareidim living in, settling, and building up Eretz Yisroel. A project of Avira D’Eretz Yisroel, coordinated by Yoel Berman - info@aviraderetzyisroel.org.


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