I cam to learn in Eretz Yisroel after three years of beis
medrash (post-high school). I grew up in Lakewood, New Jersey, and, like
most of my friends, when I came to learn in Eretz Yisrael I had no long-term
intentions. I came to do the two-year Eretz Yisrael experience. Like most bachurim,
this obviously included Shabbos seudos at the homes of many different
types of people.
one of those Shabbos meals, the question was posed: “How can people live in chutz
la’aretz if there is a mitzva to live in Eretz Yisrael?”
was put on the spot because, honestly, I had never thought about it. I was
indeed aware there is a mitzva
according to the majority of opinions, but somehow all that was theoretical
knowledge. I totally ignored the step of applying my knowledge to my actions – I
just honestly never thought about it.
that Shabbos seudah, I decided to research the topic a little bit, until
I discovered that Reb Moshe Feinstein, zt”l, wrote a teshuva that
there is no obligation to live in Eretz Yisrael; rather, it is a mitzva
– a mitzva that
one gets schar (reward) for doing – but is not an absolute chiyuv
(obligation) to do.
was happy. As far as I was concerned, the “issue” was resolved. There is a
legitimate opinion that there is no chiyuv to live in Eretz Yisrael;
therefore I could live happily ever after in Lakewood. Case closed.
time after that I had a conversation about this with a talmid chacham I
knew. He told me something that changed my life. He asked me if, as a Yid, I
saw mitzvos as a burden, or if
I was happy to be part of the am hanivchar (chosen nation) and excited to
do retzon Hashem (the will of G-d) even if it isn’t the easiest thing.
Without too much thought, I knew that the answer was the latter. A Jew has to
be happy with his mitzvos and not look at them as a burden.
told me that, even if we accept Reb Moshe’s view (which I understood not to be
the pashtus[E1]), why
does that give you the security to live in chutz la’aretz? You have a mitzva to live in Eretz Yisrael that
is definitely retzon Hashem, so even if it is not a chiyuv,
shouldn’t you want to try to do it? He added, you don’t think it is easy? Many mitzvos
aren’t easy and that just increases the schar, as the mishna in
Avos says, “Lefum tza’ara agra.”
talmid chacham continued to note that there are many ma’alos (benefits)
of living in Eretz Yisrael mentioned throughout the Torah and Chazal, such as,
“Eretz asher einei Hashem…” meaning that Hashem’s special hashgacha
pratis holds sway in this Land. He also mentioned the famous gemara
(Kesuvos 110b) that states the difference, concerning a person’s relationship
with Hashem, between one who is living in Eretz Yisrael and one who is living
in chutz la’aretz. I once again was aware of these ma’alos, but
somehow, I never thought about trying to apply them to my life. He asked me to
forget about if it is a chiyuv or not and just ask myself if I was not
interested in all these ma’alos.
thought about this for a while and took it to heart. The reason a Yid is in
this world is to do retzon Hashem, not to look for loopholes. The retzon
Hashem in this case is very clear: Hashem wants Yidden to live in Eretz Yisrael.
was just a bachur at the time, but when I started shidduchim my
condition was clear. I went back to the States for shidduchim like the
norm, but I knew that for the long term, I needed to live in Eretz Yisrael. My
parents thought I wasn’t being rational, but they agreed that I could “try” my
condition for a year and rethink it if I still didn’t find my bashert by
then. A year passed, and I started to get nervous, but then Hashem sent me my bashert,
and, b”H, she agreed with my
condition eagerly.
got married, b”H, and started off in
Yerushalayim, which was the normal place chutznikim my age lived. I
continued learning in the same yeshiva
I did as a bachur. My wife found work for an American company through
the computer. Neither my parents nor my in-laws were financially supporting our
stay in Eretz Yisrael, but we had siyata diShmaya, and my wife had
decent work. After a little less than a year, however, we realized that we could
barely afford our budget, and this was without the added expenses that come
with children. It was a hard but obvious decision: We knew we had to move out
of the mainstream Yerushalayim to somewhere where the cost of living was much
looking at the various options and spending a Shabbos here and there, we moved
to the community we thought made the most sense. B”H,
are very happy in Beitar Illit, and I thank Hashem daily for letting me live my
dream in Eretz Yisrael, as the gemara says, “Duchta deMoshe v’Aharon
lo zachu lah…” a place where even Moshe and Aharon did not merit….
For me, adjusting to our new community outside Yerushalayim
wasn’t such a big deal. I continued learning in the same yeshiva in
Yerushalayim, taking a bus every day. For my wife it was more challenging. We moved from
a mostly English-speaking community, to a building where almost nobody knew
English. It took time, but eventually she got connected to the English-speaking
community here and also learned to make friends with our Israeli neighbors.
The chutznik community gave us a lot of chizuk. It wasn’t a group of people,
most of whom were moving back after two or three years. It was an oylam of people doing the same thing
we were doing.
This article is
part of the Eretz Chemdah series featuring Anglo-Chareidim living in, settling,
and building up Eretz Yisrael. A project of Avira D'Eretz Yisroel, coordinated
by Yoel Berman - info@aviraderetzyisroel.org.
[E1]how would you translate