The Art of Allowing and Embracing G-d’s Kingship on Rosh Hashana – A Primer on the Law of Attraction and Allowing G-d’s Blessings into Our Lives.


This year more than in any year prior, Rosh Hashana is upon us and I feel unprepared to show up with the proper mindset for this holy day. With the first night of Rosh Hashana falling out on Labor Day this year, I find my thoughts are still in summer / getting-the-kids-ready-for-school-mode, while my inner me is struggling to focus on and connect with the real themes of our New Year.

The Gemara in Rosh Hashana (16a, 34b) recounts that on Rosh Hashana Hashem instructs us to recite before Him Malchuyos, Zichronos, V’Shofros, - translated as, verses about G-d’s Sovereignty, Remembrance of all events, and Shofar blasts. The Gemara continues, “Sovereignty so that you should make me your King; Remembrance so that your remembrances should rise up before Me for your benefit; and through what? Through the Shofar.”  It is these very words that lend structure to the Day’s Mussaf prayer.  

Although there are many themes to explore, the primary theme of Rosh Hashana is G-d’s Malchus, or sovereignty. Through the pesukim we recite during the Mussaf Tefilla, we in effect proclaim G-d as our King, accepting our role as his subjects, and thus join in G-d’s mission for creating the universe. Traditionally when we consider these themes, we are inspired to feel awe and perhaps fear of G-d’s magnitude. This year in particular, I seek a more relatable avenue to connect with G-d and his Kingship– a G-d whose presence I try to find as a very real part of my day, and my day-to-day life.  

Each year we are gifted 48 hours where we have the opportunity to pause our lives, our work and other physical distractions, and hone in on our connection with our Creator. How blessed we are. The modern world has apps and retreats galore dedicated to meditation, while we are gifted three full days during the Yamim Noraim set aside just for this purpose - to pause, quiet our minds, release resistant thought, and connect with our Source. If we can channel our energy and focus during these upcoming days and show up vulnerable and honest, we will review our past actions and set goals for growth, dedicating thought and effort to strive to show up and do better in the coming year – better as children, better as parents, better as spouses, siblings, friends, and community members.

During the moving Tefila of Unesane Tokef in particular, many are moved to tears as we recall the challenges that we, our friends and our family faced in the prior year, and as we heartfully pray for an upcoming year of life, a year of health, a year of peace, a year of serenity and a year of abundance – for ourselves, our families and our friends.

As I consider the unlimited, infinite abundance, rachamim and love that Hashem has for each one of us, his children, heading into Rosh Hashana and the Yamim Noraim this year, I pray that we be able to tap into the shefa, the ever-flowing source of abundance, that G-d has in store for us, and allow it into our lives. When we crown G-d our King on Rosh Hashana, in reality, we acknowledge that He is the Source of all blessing and the Source of all that is good, and we attribute all that is good in our lives, and the blessings we enjoy, to Him. For those of us who seek Him in our daily lives, we find him. We know intuitively that “Coincidence” is only G-d’s way of remaining anonymous, and the daily miracles in our lives, big and small, abound.

How do we allow G-d’s shefa and bracha into our lives? Many (most!) of us unwittingly practice the art of resistance, rather than the art of allowing. We focus on scarcity, on fear, on anxiety – we are subconsciously stuck in a survival mindset.

In contrast to the scarcity mentality, the Art of Allowing, is a practiced process of deliberately choosing the subject of our attention, limited only to subjects which allow connection with Source, with an awareness of how that perspective feels to us, When we are allowing we always feel good because we constantly allow the blessings that flow from Source into our lives.  By deliberately choosing thoughts that feel good, we achieve energetic alignment with the Source of feeling good (G-d). This means we join G-d as Co-Creators and become active participants in our own lives, rather than the victim of life’s circumstances. As Deliberate Creators we harness focused intent to be consciously aware of our energetic state, and connect with our Source (G-d).

Shifting our outlook to the Art of Allowing and Deliberate Creation means prioritizing how we feel above anything else. If we are choosing thoughts that feel good, we are allowing G-d, the Source of all that is good at every and any given moment into our lives. In any given moment, there exists a split second during which we have a choice – do we go upstream, against the current of blessing and choose resistance, or do we go downstream, flowing with the current of blessing and choose allowing? During our daily interactions, which end of the “stick” do we choose – that which we desire, or the lack of it? Do we choose Anger and resentment or Appreciation? Disappointment or Joy? Scarcity or Abundance? Fear or Faith? Loneliness or Love?

Sometimes making the choice between that-which-we-want versus the lack-of-it is easy. Other times it can be a real struggle. When heavy challenges come our way and our desires and dreams seem far away or even impossible, we can focus on our Emunah, our unwavering belief in G-d,  and deliberately and intentionally hold ourselves in high consciousness, no matter what the appearances are.

The Universe in which we live and breathe, the very same Universe over which we accept G-d’s sovereignty on Rosh Hashana, is governed by the Law of Attraction, which states: that which is like unto itself, is drawn. This governing law means that whatever it is we focus on, or think about (for at least 17 seconds), attracts unto itself other feelings and thoughts that are like it.

We all want to uncover the secret sauce for manifesting our dreams and desires. The secret to manifesting our desires is the Art of Allowing. Everything we could ever wish for ourselves and for others (life, health, wealth, and the rest of G-d’s blessings), already exist in our Universe. We believe that G-d is shefa, the ever-flowing source of abundance, which like a stream, never ceases to flow. All we have to do is “let go and let G-d do the work” and allow it into our lives. How do we drop resistance and allow G-d’s blessings into our lives? By focusing our energy, thoughts and attention on things that make us feel good. If we are feeling good, we are in alignment with that which we want to attract, and by the law of attraction, our desires will then be attracted to us.

True joy is ours when we achieve a state of calm and eager anticipation in every moment for that which is yet to come. Meaning, it is not the manifesting itself that brings the truest joy (although manifesting is enjoyable too!). The truest joy is achieving the belief and absolute certainty that G-d provides us with all that we need and desire, that everything is alright (ALL right), and that we are too blessed to be stressed - because we know that the bountiful blessings that G-d has in store for us are just around the corner. It is done now.

With the power of focused thought and intent, and the choices we make in each moment to focus on the positive end of the “stick”, that which we desire rather than the lack of it, we can feel our way to a state of alignment with Source, all that is His and that which He wants to shower us with – peace, abundance, prosperity, health and serenity.

For 5782 and beyond – Dream Big. Bring yourself into energetic alignment with your dreams and it will all flow to you. It is law.

Rosh Hashana is an ominous day; it is referred to by the Sages as Yom Hadin – Day of Judgement. This year though, I choose to focus on the aspects of the day that inspire a deep connection with G-d, which bring me closer to, and allow me to connect to Him, my G-d, my King. For me, that means focusing on the G-d that is the Source of all that is good.  

These are thoughts I will take with me into these 2 upcoming days of coronating G-d and accepting G-d as my King. I hope and pray that connecting with G-d in this way will carry me through the day’s inspiring tefillos.

May this year be the year that we release resistant thought, sync up with Universe, and allow into our lives all the brachos G-d has in store for us. May all of our dreams for the coming year manifest with ease, and the mishalot libeinu, the wishes of our hearts, be fulfilled.

A special credit goes to Abraham Hicks’s “Ask and It Is Given” and her teachings on the Law of Attraction, the Art of Allowing and Manifestation, which provided many of the concepts in this article.


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