On January 17,
1991, a coalition of armed forces from 34 countries led by the United States
started operation Desert Storm to liberate recently-conquered Kuwait from Iraq.
Iraq began its retaliation the next day. Over a period of several weeks, 39
modified Scud B (Al Hussein) missiles were fired at Israel, with 14 exploding
in highly-populated residential areas of Tel Aviv and Haifa. (The remainder of
the Scuds were either duds, or landed in the wilderness, in the Mediterranean,
or were intercepted by U.S. Patriot anti-missile missiles.) Two Israelis were
directly killed by these Scuds, and 11 were seriously injured.
In 1993, a
scientific paper written by Fetter, Lewis, and Gronlund, entitled “Why Were
Scud Casualties So Low?” was published in the prestigious British scientific
journal Nature.[1] An
expanded and more detailed version of the paper appeared a few months later.[2] The
low casualty rate had attracted professional scientific interest. The paper
uses a standard mathematical formula to predict the number of casualties
expected in a missile attack. The formula is an extrapolation from past missile
attacks and takes into account three parameters that modify the extrapolation:
a) the size of the warhead, b) the population density, and c) whether there was
warning of the attack.
The extrapolation
used by the Fetter et al paper was based on casualty statistics from thousands
of V1 and hundreds of V2 rocket attacks on London during World War II. The V1
“buzz bombs” gave warning of their approach, while the V2 rockets did not. On
average in London, each V2 rocket caused about twice as many casualties as did
a V1 rocket.
As a test of the
accuracy of the extrapolation, the formula was first applied to the 125
modified Scud B missiles that exploded in Teheran, Iran between February 29,
1988 and April 4, 1988 during the “war of the cities” between Iran and Iraq.
The Scuds gave no warning of their approach, so the extrapolation was based
only on the casualty rates from the V2 rockets in London. Reports indicate that,
on average, between 9.2 and 16 people in Teheran were killed per Scud. Taking
into account the difference in warhead size between the V2 and the Scud, as
well as the difference between the population density of London and Teheran,
the formula predicts an average of 14.4 deaths per Scud in Teheran. This
prediction is accurate, since 14.4 is between 9.2 and 16. Similarly, the
predicted number of seriously injured per Scud in Teheran, 35.1, is close to
the observed value of approximately 32 per Scud. The Fetter et al paper notes
that the accuracy of the prediction is obtained in spite of the differences in
construction between structures in London and Teheran. London homes are built
with brick; buildings in Teheran are built with reinforced concrete, as are
buildings in Tel Aviv and Haifa.
The Israel Anomaly
Having established
that the extrapolation formula works well, and that the difference in
construction between brick and reinforced concrete structures does not
adversely affect the accuracy of the extrapolation, the Fetter et al paper
applies the formula to the case of the Scud attacks on Tel Aviv and Haifa. The
missiles used against Iran and Israel were the same. Noting that the Israelis
had warning of incoming Scuds from shared American satellite tracking data, and
accounting for differences in population density, the formula predicts that the
14 scuds that exploded in residential areas of Tel Aviv and Haifa should have
resulted in a total of 21 deaths and 61 seriously injured.[3] This
is significantly more than the two deaths and 11 serious injuries that
occurred. The paper notes that the total
number of casualties caused by all 14 Scud impacts in Israel is less than the
average number of casualties caused by a single missile explosion in London or
Teheran.”[4] How
does one explain such an incredible discrepancy?
The Fetter et al
papers offer several possible explanations.[5]
First, there is the inaccuracy of the Scuds and the fact that some of them were
duds. However, this has no relevance at all to the extrapolation, which is
based solely on the number of actual explosions (14) in residential areas and
not on the number of missiles launched (39).
The second
possibility offered to explain the small number of casualties in Israel is that
Israeli structures are made of reinforced concrete while the buildings in
London are made of brick. This difference is, however, irrelevant since the
extrapolation worked well for Teheran, where the buildings are constructed with
reinforced concrete, just as in Tel Aviv and Haifa.[6]
Furthermore, the number of residential buildings and apartments destroyed in
Tel Aviv and Haifa was exactly as expected based on the London experience. The
final answer given is sheer luck! The Israelis were just very lucky![7]
Is It Luck?
During the Persian
Gulf War, a handful of Scuds exploded in Riyadh and Dhahran Saudi Arabia. Twenty-nine
people were killed.[8]
On January 18,
1991, a Scud exploded in the densely populated Ezra district of Tel Aviv. No
one was seriously injured or killed.[9] Was
this luck?
On April 4, 1985,
a Scud exploded in Bakhtaran and another in Hamadan, Iran. The former killed 25
people; the latter killed 11.[10]
On January 19,
1991, another Scud exploded in the densely populated Ezra district of Tel Aviv,
just 300 meters from the Scud impact of the previous day. This time a bomb
shelter was demolished. Unlike other shelters, this one was empty, and once
again, no one was seriously injured or killed.[11]
“Lucky” again?
On October 27,
1982, a Scud exploded in Dezful, Iran. Twenty-one people were killed and 100
On February 9,
1991, a Scud exploded in the middle of a road in Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv. Walls of
buildings on both sides of the road collapsed, but there were no serious
injuries or deaths.[13]
Again, “lucky”?
On May 11, 1994, a
Scud exploded in Sana’a, Yemen killing 25 people. Another one exploded there on
May 24th killing 13 people.[14]
On February 12,
1991, a Scud exploded between two private homes in Tel Aviv. Several people
were buried under the rubble of the collapsed homes. Seven or eight people
suffered minor injuries, but there were no serious injuries and no deaths.[15]
On May 22, 1994, a
Scud exploded in Aden, Yemen. Six people were killed.[16]
On February 19,
2013, three Scuds exploded in Aleppo and one in Tal Rifaat, Syria. One
hundred-forty-one people were killed.[17]
Another Scud exploded on March 29 in Hretaan, Syria. Twenty people were killed.[18]
On October 21,
1999, two Scuds exploded in Grozny, Chechnya. One killed 27 people, and the
other killed 17.[19]
On April 20, 1991,
two unmodified Scud-B rockets exploded in a crowded market place in Asadabad,
Afghanistan. Three-hundred people were killed.[20]
This, too, is consistent with the formula, once one takes into account the
larger warhead of the unmodified Scud B and the likely population density range
of a crowded market place.
The Fetter et al
paper in Nature indicates that there
is anecdotal evidence that “luck” was an important factor in keeping the
casualties so low in Israel. The paper goes on to say that casualties were
“remarkably low” even when missiles hit occupied buildings which sustained
heavy damage. Two examples are given where missiles destroyed multi-story
buildings. In each case only one person was killed.[21]
In Tel Aviv, a
total of 28 buildings, containing 118 apartments, were destroyed, and 2,493
apartments were heavily damaged. In Haifa, 1,700 apartments were seriously
damaged. Lewis et al remark that the number of apartments in Tel Aviv that were
destroyed or seriously damaged agrees with the formula’s prediction.[22] Yet,
only two people were killed and 11 seriously injured in Israel! Apparently, the
occupied buildings are not protected; only the people in them! Who could
control this? Why is it that all the casualties from Scuds in other countries
conform to the extrapolation from London, but not the ones from Israel? Why is
it that the total number of casualties from all 14 Scuds that exploded in Tel
Aviv and Haifa is less than the casualties from a single Scud exploding
anywhere else? Can it truly be accounted for by luck?
The Mathematics of Luck
There is a way of
evaluating if an unlikely event can reasonably be attributed to luck. We need
to calculate the probability of the event occurring by chance and see if it is
very small. If the probability is “too small,” then it becomes unreasonable to
attribute the event to luck. “Too small” is usually defined in the technical
scientific and medical literature as no larger than 0.05 (that is, 1/20); occasionally
as no larger than 0.01 (1/100). In the field of high energy physics, “too
small” was defined as 0.000000287 (1/3,484,320) for the Nobel Prize-winning
discovery of the Higgs boson (an elementary particle discovered in July, 2012).
This is one of the most stringent definitions of “too small” in any of the
The Fetter et al
papers do not calculate the probability of expecting 21 deaths and observing
only 2, or of expecting 61 serious injuries and observing 11 by chance, but we
can: The probability of observing two deaths (or less) by chance, (i.e., luck)
is 0.000000184 (1/5,434,783). This is considerably smaller than the stringent
definition used in confirming the discovery of the Higgs boson! The probability
of the dearth of serious injuries happening by chance is 0.00000000000000426.
That is, approximately one in 234 trillion! This is over 67 million times as
significant as the stringent definition of “too small” in the example of the
Higgs boson given above. We can thus reject the possibility of the small number
of deaths and serious injuries happening by chance (that is, luck) with
absolute certainty.
The Fetter et al
paper makes note of the fact that between four and eight Patriot anti-missile
missiles used by Israel missed their targets and exploded in residential areas
of Tel Aviv and Haifa. The paper does not take this into account when
calculating expected casualty rates.[23] The
Patriot missile carries a much smaller warhead than the modified Scud B – only
90 kg. Nevertheless, the warhead is
three times the size of the warhead of a Katyusha rocket and is thus a
significant destructive force: Katyusha rockets have been used since World War
II by many countries to affect damaging bombardment of enemy forces and
structures. They terrorized German troops during World War II. Taking the
explosions of four Patriots into account, the expected number of deaths in
Israel rises from 21 to 24.2. The expected number of serious injuries rises
from 61 to 70.4. The respective probabilities are now 0.00000000982 or
1/101,832,994 and 0.00000000000000000166, or about 1 in six hundred thousand
trillion. The latter is less likely than someone flipping an unbiased coin 59
times and getting all heads! In real life, this does not happen. Even if the
casualty rate from Scuds during the Persian Gulf War were the only scientific
evidence for G-d’s intervention on behalf of the people in Israel, it would
suffice. The probability of these casualties being so low just by chance or
luck is so small as to be well beyond the requirement for acceptance by any
scientific journal.
The Persian Gulf
War ended on February 28, 1991. That day was Purim. Did the war end on that
date to let us know that it was not coincidence just as the Persian Jews were
saved from a similar fate approximately 2,400 years ago? As frum Jews, we know that this was not a
coincidence. G-d sends us messages; we just have to be open to receiving them.
However, for those intellectuals who require hard evidence before drawing any
conclusions, we have provided evidence that meets the highest scientific
This article is
excerpted and adapted from The Cosmic Puzzle by Harold Gans, Feldheim, 2020.
Fetter, S., Lewis, G. N. and Gronlund, L., Why Were the Scud Casualties So
Low? Nature, January 28, 1993, Vol. 361.
Lewis, G. N., Fetter, S. and Gronlund, L., Casualties and Damage from Scud
Attacks in the 1991 Gulf War, DACS Working Paper, Defense and Arms Control
Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993.
Lewis, G. N. et al (1993), p. 32.
Ibid p. 13.
Ibid p. 3.
Ibid p. 28
Ibid pp. 30-32.
Much of the Scud casualty data from Saudi Arabia was not released by the
government. There appear to have been five explosions in populated areas. Scuds
were also launched against King Khalid Military City, but the number of
explosions and casualties has not been made public. See Lewis, G. N. et al,
(1993), p. 36, footnote 98.
Ibid, p. 31.
New York Times online, Iraqi Missiles Strike 2 Iran Cities ? Teheran Puts Death
Toll at 36 (April 5, 1985).
Lewis, G. N. et al, (1993), p. 43.
Perrimond, G., The Threat of Theater Ballistic Missiles 1944 – 2001,
Supplément á TTU Europe, 2002, p. 6.
Lewis, G. N. et al (1993), p. 31.
New York Times online, Scud Missile Hits Capital of Yemen killing 25 (May
12, 1994).
Lewis, G. N. et al (1993), p. 32.
University of Central Arkansas (Website)., Republic of Yemen 1990 – Present,
Conflict Phase: April 27 – July 27, 1994.
Sly, S. Ballistic Missile Strikes on Aleppo Signal New Escalation in Syrian
Civil War, Washington Post online (February 26, 2013).
Abdulrahim, R., 20 Dead in Scud Missile Attack in Syria, Activists say, Los
Angeles Times online (March 29, 2013).
BBC News, World: Europe: Rockets Blast Grozny (Online, October 21,
Ibid, p.16.
Fetter, S. et al (1993), p. 6.
Lewis, G. N. et al (1993), p. 34.
Lewis, G. N. et al, (1993), p. 32.