The Malbim and One World Order

This year’s presidential election has brought into focus the ominous polarization between right and left in America. Indeed, political turmoil marks the current political climate around the world. But, beyond the obvious, several political movements are progressing far below the radar. None of them is grabbing headlines, but, if successful, their repercussions would be disastrous.

Interestingly, the words of our talmidei chachamim are often relevant to current events. Consider the Malbim’s commentary on these pesukim:

“A river issues forth from Eden to water the garden, and from there it is divided and becomes four headwaters. The name of the first is Pishon… The gold of that land is good… and the Shoham stone. The name of the second river is Gichon… that encircles the whole land of Cush. The name of the third river is Chiddekel…that flows toward the east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates” (Bereishis, 2:10-14).

The Malbim (Rabbi Leibush ben Yechiel Michel Wisser, 1809-1879) of Ukraine offers the following explanation: Each of these tributaries, through its respective description, represents a particular drive or mode of human conduct. Pishon denotes a person who seeks to accumulate wealth and possessions. The Gichon symbolizes a person who pursues a life of physical pleasure. The Chiddekel signifies one who strives to conquer and control, as Assyria stands for might. The Euphrates (Pras), on the other hand, watered the garden, thereby serving as the source for the other waters, and it too flowed out of Eden. The Euphrates connotes the G-d fearing chachamim and prophets among our people.

Later in Bereishis (4:20-22), we find that three of Lamech’s children brought certain innovations into the world. Namely, Yaval pitched tents and bred cattle; Yuval handled the harp and flute, while Tuval Cayin fashioned cutting devices of copper and iron. Says the Malbim, these individuals reflect the human tendencies outlined above: Yaval settled in the land adjacent to Pishon and used his talents to develop commerce, trade, and wealth. Yuval settled in Cush, a land known for immorality and invented musical instruments to facilitate such behavior. Tuval Cain invented weapons of war and moved to the powerful land of Assyria. The fourth child was Naamah, of whom the Torah offers no description. She was known as a righteous woman who lived near the Euphrates and became the wife of Noach. As such, she signifies a life of Torah.

Read on to understand just how relevant the Malbim’s insights are in today’s world.

Central Banking Digital Currency (CBDC)

Our U.S. government, through the Federal Reserve, is presently planning to replace hard currency (cash and coins) with digital currency, somewhat akin to Bitcoin. However, unlike Bitcoin, in this scenario, the U.S. government becomes our central bank, empowering it to monitor and control every financial transaction made. Specifically, this digital program allows the government to approve, disapprove, or limit every expenditure and even “empty” your wallet if your spending habits do not sufficiently conform to a targeted “social credit score,” i.e., desired purchase and saving behaviors. In short, CBDC would entitle the government to dictate how our lives are lived and can very readily strip the citizenry of any ability to accumulate wealth.

This would bring ruin to the financial wellbeing initiated by Yaval. Whatever upside to this system may be touted by our government, the above-described features are very much part of the picture and pose a grave threat to financial privacy and freedom. To date, this system is used in China and is well underway in Europe.

A bill in the US Senate, S887, is pending, which would prevent the Fed from issuing a CBDC.

The Equality Act: HR15 and S5

Due to relentless pressure from the LGBTQ lobby, Congress is poised to pass the Equality Act, which would, among other things, mainstream gender-deviant orientations into our society. Specifically, it would:

·         Mandate religious schools, hospitals and places of worship to hire and train such individuals.

·         Permit and fund gender-related medical procedures.

·         Revoke the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993.

·         Overturn Title IX, which presently offers protection for women in all fields of sports.

In short, this bill, still pending, would upend the institution of family and obliterate all traditional standards of morality in the U.S.

Regarding Yuval, although the Torah does not demonstrate that Yuval's depraved ways were imposed beyond the confines of his land, Cush, under this bill, a depraved lifestyle would be imposed by law upon the entire U.S.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Since its inception in 1948, this UN organization has drafted recommendations to enhance global health. Currently, however, it seeks to pass an international “Pandemic Agreement/Treaty” granting it binding, global authority to “regulate any risk to public health.” Pursuant to proposed amendments to its “International Health Regulations” (IHR), the WHO would enact the following:

·         Digital Health Certificates for every individual, without which the ability to worship publicly, travel, shop, dine, etc. could be limited or banned.

·         “One Health Approach” would be invoked to control every aspect of medicine, treatment, supply chain, exports, shipping, vaccines, food, immigration, climate, and many more areas – all in the name of health.

If a simple majority of member nations signs on to the IHR amendments, including the U.S. president, national autonomy and personal freedoms would be jeopardized. The WHO treaty would thus stymie the lifestyle of Tuval Cayin as individuals and nations would lose a large portion of their constitutional rights and sovereignty to their dictates.

Congress needs to pass S444 with at least a 66% vote from the U.S. Senate to ratify any agreement with the WHO. An alternative bill, HR79, would exit and defund the WHO.

*  *  *

Despite Trump’s electoral victory, today’s political environment remains fluid, and it is still possible for the above-listed agendas to gain traction and acceptance. Although passage of these bills does not seem imminent, we have recently seen how political developments can happen in an instant, taking us unawares. If, Heaven forbid, all of them pass into law, we will be at the threshold of some form of one-world government, at which point the individual becomes a mere pawn in the hands of tyrants. Though a global state promises utopia, in reality, all it would offer is a saga of failure, destitution, and misery. Unchecked, we could also be facing a worldwide population implosion, not to mention a grave threat to all religious observance. What sobering thoughts.

When I realized how precisely the above movements align with or, rather, against the Malbim, I was left absolutely stunned and flabbergasted. Let me explain: The Malbim does not, of course, endorse any of the first three lifestyles he portrays. In fact, he goes on to clarify that these facilitated the advent of idol worship and also provided a gateway to the undesirable traits outlined in Pirkei Avos (4:28): envy, lust, and the pursuit of honor. Rather, the correct way for us to live is that which is guided by Torah; each of us should strive to be a ben aliyah. Nevertheless, G-d, in his Infinite Wisdom, saw fit to design the world in which these alternative lifestyles exist so that a person, including the Jew, can direct his life as he sees fit. Accordingly, it is implicitly understood that a human has the right to choose.

With this backdrop, a one-world government undermines and eviscerates our Creator’s design by depriving humanity of these rights. Such despots are in essence defying G-d’s will. We should be forever vigilant that the day of global tyranny never comes and undertake the proper hishtadlus, with Hashem’s help, to effect this.


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