Dor Yeshorim’s Hearing Loss Panel : Should You Get Tested?

The week of Parshas Vayechi, Dor Yeshorim launched an advertising campaign to promote its new hearing loss panel. As “coincidence” would have it, the bar mitzva of our son, who was born with significant hearing loss in both ears, took place on Parshas Vayechi two years ago. In his pshetl (speech), the first half of which is available on YouTube under the title “Vayechi Bar Mitzva Speech – Deafness,” he notes, based on Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz’s Sichos Mussar, how Chushim’s deafness worked to his advantage, and he was the person who killed Eisav, because he didn’t get sucked into the back-and-forth legal argument that the brothers engaged in with Eisav and was therefore able to perceive the situation more clearly.