Vaping and Teenage Health: Some Good News
We have good news to report on the vaping front! Across the United States, rates of teenage nicotine vaping have taken a genuine nosedive. Currently, about 20% of high school seniors report any nicotine vaping over the past year. This is far less than what we observed pre-pandemic, when about 35% of high school seniors reported vaping. The results from 10th and 8th graders bring similar good news that vaping nicotine is on the decline.
These results align well with a recent personal experience speaking to a group of high school students. Most of these kids already recognized that vaping was essentially no healthier than smoking traditional cigarettes. In fact, use of alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs have also trended downward in high school students, making this generation about as mischievous as the teenagers on Happy Days. As the legendary British band, “The Who,” sang many years ago, “The kids are alright!”
Of course, we are not ready to quit our day jobs here at Johns Hopkins (though we might get fired by President Trump). We do not know how these national statistics translate to our unique community. Many teenagers and adults continue to struggle with vaping and other substance use. And as parents, the job of providing correct substance use education is never completely over because curiosity, sensation seeking, and peer pressure are all part of normal adolescence.