Thoughts on Lost Items, Travel, and Simchas
Have you ever lost something important and, in a state of panic, search everywhere, retrace your steps, and, after looking and looking in every logical and illogical place, struggle to resign yourself to the reality that the item has simply vanished?
Last week, as my wife Arleeta and I were preparing to leave for Israel for our granddaughter Rivka’s wedding, we were dealing with all of the last-minute preparations – especially all of the items for the kids and grandkids and figuring out the suitcase-packing jigsaw puzzle while checking the exact weight of each luggage piece – when Arleeta said, “I have to run out; what did you do with my car keys?”
I replied, “Nothing; you were the last one to use your car. Don’t worry, they’ll turn up. In the meantime, here’s the spare key.”
After returning from her errand, Arleeta said, “This is ridiculous. My keys must be somewhere around here.”