Rav Gifter, My Dad, and My Yichus
Having just completed this article, which references him, I learned of the petira (passing) of my mentor, my friend, and my rebbe, Rabbi Pinchas Stolper, zt”l. By the time you read this, shiva will have been completed. I therefore decided to add this short introduction to honor my Rebbe’s memory.
Rabbi Stolper was responsible for changing the landscape of Torah outreach in North America beginning in the early 60s. NCSY and Rabbi Stolper were synonymous. NCSY was without a doubt on the cutting edge of kiruv (Jewish outreach) when it began its work over 60 years ago. NCSY succeed in reaching out to the huge numbers of young Jews who were rapidly being lost to assimilation. The word Shabbaton, which is now in common usage, was coined by Rabbi Stolper to describe the weekend teenage gatherings that gave many high schoolers their first taste of a real Shabbos, which included learning, zemiros, and dancing. Following a musical havdalah, there was a fun-filled melava malka with great food and entertainment.