Articles by Rabbi Yosef Rosenfeld

Finders Keepers?

Administrator, Baltimore Bais Din

Reviewed by Rabbi Mordechai Schuchatowitz, Head of the Baltimore Bais Din


In last month’s issue of Where What When, Mrs. Schor wrote an article about situations in which someone went above and beyond to return a lost object to its owner and thereby do the mitzva of hashavas aveida. Mrs. Schor had communicated with me and wondered whether these people actually had a halachic obligation to return the lost objects. The question is an important one since many of us, as Torah-observant Jews, often encounter an object and wonder whether we should bother ourselves to bring it home and attempt to find the owner. This article will explore the parameters of this mitzva, with the hope that it will give some practical guidance.

We will start by depicting two scenarios. In each scenario, we will give an A and B version in which one detail is changed. That detail will change the halacha. Let’s begin:

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Market Musings


Reviewed by Rabbi Mordechai Shuchatowitz, Head of the Baltimore Bais Din


We are all aware of the many areas that technology has altered the way we live and the challenges that it presents to Torah-observant Jews. One area in which technology has brought about change throughout the entire world is the way we make purchases. Go back just 20 years, and anyone wanting to buy food, clothing, personal items, or business items would enter a brick-and-mortar store to examine what was available for purchase and then buy the desired items. In the world we currently live in, online purchasing has become a normal way of shopping, which has put pressure on brick-and-mortar stores trying to compete.

This phenomenon leads to a halachic question. Yet the question applies not only to online transactions. The technology may be new, but the halachas surrounding ethical behavior between customer and businessperson are not.

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Competition Conundrum


As Torah-observant Jews, we try to live up to the Halachos of lashon hara, which guide us in what is appropriate speech, especially in regards to derogatory information. However, there are numerous situations where Halacha defines what we may or may not say, even if no derogatory information is exchanged. This can especially be relevant in business.

In a previous article, we explored the Halachos of lashon hara as relating to business situations. This article will explore speech where lashon hara is not an issue. Let’s consider the following case study:

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Not So Simple Shemiras Halashon in the Age of Social Media


Reviewed by Rabbi Mordechai Shuchatowitz, Head of the Baltimore Bais Din

 Shemiras halashon – observing the Torah laws of proper speech – is among the basic obligations of a Jew striving for care in performance of mitzvos. This has especially been so in klal Yisrael since the Chofetz Chaim published his sefer on the halachos of shemiras halashon nearly 150 years ago. While the halachos of Hashem are immutable, the methods of communication have definitely changed in significant ways in modern times. The invention of the telephone in 1876 was arguably the first invention which made shemiras halashon relevant to modern methods of communication. In today’s world, we can add email, social media, and all forms of electronic communication to the list of communication methods that are subject to the halachos of shemiras halashon.

The Chofetz Chaim dedicates the last chapter of the halachos of Lashon Hara to the halachos of toeles: conveying negative information for a constructive purpose. We have all heard about its application to shidduchim. Other examples that the Chofetz Chaim gives are taking on a business partner or making a loan. There is another area in which these halachos become quite relevant: when passing information about the services of a professional or the purchase of merchandise from a vendor. This article will examine what halacha has to say with regards to passing information about these different providers.

We will now give some case studies through which to examine these halachos:

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Who Takes the Cake? A Halachic Discussion

ice cream

Life presents us with challenges as we go about our daily activities: working, shopping, bringing up our families, and more. We try to do all this as ehrliche Jews, keeping to the halachos. Sometimes, though, we are not aware that halacha has something to say about a given circumstance. Take the seemingly esoteric – though actually quite common – situation where one person is trying to obtain something and another person undercuts him or her and takes that item instead. Let’s examine a few such scenarios.

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