Market Musings
Reviewed by Rabbi Mordechai Shuchatowitz, Head of the Baltimore Bais Din
We are all aware of the many areas that technology has altered the way we live and the challenges that it presents to Torah-observant Jews. One area in which technology has brought about change throughout the entire world is the way we make purchases. Go back just 20 years, and anyone wanting to buy food, clothing, personal items, or business items would enter a brick-and-mortar store to examine what was available for purchase and then buy the desired items. In the world we currently live in, online purchasing has become a normal way of shopping, which has put pressure on brick-and-mortar stores trying to compete.
This phenomenon leads to a halachic question. Yet the question applies not only to online transactions. The technology may be new, but the halachas surrounding ethical behavior between customer and businessperson are not.