Workers Waiting For Their Wages The Halachos of Bal Talin
Reviewed by Rabbi Mordechai Shuchatowitz, Head of the Baltimore Bais Din
It is well known that the Chofetz Chaim wrote sefarim about the prohibition of lashon hara for the sake of making his fellow Jews more aware and careful about speaking negatively about others. It is not as well known that the Chofetz Chaim wrote the sefer Ahavas Chesed to bring about awareness of other interpersonal halachos that pertain to relations between people. One such area of halacha that the Chofetz Chaim discusses pertains to paying workers on time. The term for this in Gemara is the prohibition of bal talin – delaying the payment of wages. The purpose of this article is to discuss this mitzva and its practical applications.
It should be noted that in his introductory remarks to this topic, the Chofetz Chaim mentions that there are many religious Jews who are careful about other mitzvos but are lax about paying their workers. He continues that these people may justify their behavior by the fact that the amount owed is not that large, or they may have some other excuse. The Chofetz Chaim concludes that it is clear to him that this laxity comes from ignorance of these halachos, and that if these people were aware of the Torah imperative to pay in a timely fashion, they would certainly be much more careful.