Articles by Rivka Resnik

Managing Your Important Documents: A Guide for the Over-50 Crowd – and Everyone Else!


As we progress through life, we accumulate many documents – forms, credit card statements, records, reports, legal agreements, authorizations, and more. What do you do with all the papers you receive? Knowing what to do with these papers is essential for maintaining an organized and secure financial life. Some documents should be stored forever in a safe place, with a copy in a different location. Some documents should be kept for a short time, others can be thrown away, and others should be shredded. Here are some practical guidelines tailored for individuals over 50 – but applicable at any age – to help you manage your records effectively.

Read More:Managing Your Important Documents: A Guide for the Over-50 Crowd – and Everyone Else!

Easy Steps to Financial Success: Mastering Budgeting and Financial Reminders


How can you manage your money better and more effectively? You might have come across the advice to “make a budget and stick to it.” That’s good advice, but the word budget can be intimidating to some. Don’t worry. There’s a friendlier way to approach it. Let’s reframe and call it a “spending plan.” Think of it as your guide to achieving financial success. So, instead of dreading budgeting, embrace the idea of a spending plan.

If you need to make more progress with your spending plan, here are some helpful tips to take control of your finances, develop good money habits, and avoid financial setbacks. Below are some financial reminders you may want to set up:

Read More:Easy Steps to Financial Success: Mastering Budgeting and Financial Reminders

Five Common Money Mistakes Lacking Retirement Funds and Insurance

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In previous issues of the Where What When, we discussed three common money mistakes. The first is not having a budget, the second is living above your means, and the third is not having an emergency fund. Let’s look at two more common money mistakes: needing more retirement funds and not having enough insurance.

Read More:Five Common Money Mistakes Lacking Retirement Funds and Insurance

Earning a Six-Figure Salary


You have finally made it financially. You landed a job with a six-figure salary – a financial dream come true! You probably feel like a millionaire, ready to buy a Land Rover with leather seats or bring your entire mishpacha to Eretz Yisrael for a well-deserved relaxing – and spiritual – vacation at the Waldorf Astoria, which is within walking distance of the Kotel. But looking at your achievement more realistically, you might ask yourself whether you will really be able to afford a Rolex watch or merely be able to pay for your children’s chasanas without going into debt? Let’s explore what a six-figure salary means for a frum family’s bottom line.

Read More:Earning a Six-Figure Salary

Lifestyle Inflation


Did you beautify your Chanukah party this year with a garland of homemade paper dreidels and menorahs, or did you use an elaborate themed décor you saw described in one of the weekly magazines? Did you fry your own potato latkes served with a side of applesauce and splurge on the 79-cent jelly donuts from the local store? Or did you create a themed Chanukah dinner replete with Asian marinated fried chicken, maple bourbon chicken poppers, Yapchik latkes, and expensive Chanukah donuts that set you back about $10 per decadent treat?

Read More:Lifestyle Inflation

Need Gelt? How to Find Money Quickly


Blew your budget? Outta cash? Depleted your checking account? Maxed out on your credit cards?

Chanukah is coming, and like most of our wonderful Jewish holidays, it takes money for all those gifts and Chanukah gelt that you are hoping to distribute. Or perhaps you have a more mundane financial obligation coming up and simply don’t have the money to fund it. Hopefully, this article will give you some recommendations to get money quickly. Remember, these are only suggestions, which may or may not work for your family situation. But even if only one or two of these tips work for you, it will translate into found money.

Read More:Need Gelt? How to Find Money Quickly