Adjusting to Back-to-School Life
In case you missed the Staples ads, back-to-school season has come. Do the following comments sound familiar?
- “My son was out of the class more than he was in last year. I’m really nervous about this coming year.”
- “First grade! She’s a baby. How can they put her behind a desk!”
- “Middle school is so different. I’m nervous my son won’t be able to handle it.”
- “My daughter thrives in camp. Why can’t school be more like camp?”
If this is what parents are saying, we can only imagine what our children are feeling about going back to school. How can we, as parents, help our children have a successful and happy school year? What does it even mean to be successful? And, by the way, remind me: Why are we doing this to our kids – again? Torture is banned in all first-world countries.