Articles by Yitzchock Feuereisen

In Memory of Shaul Epstein, a”h: My Teacher, my Guide, my Intimate Friend


I first met Shaul on Chol Hamoed Pesach. I came from New York with a busload of students on our way to Washington for a Pirchei trip, with a stopover at Ner Yisroel in Baltimore. While waiting for our room assignments, I decided to visit the beis medrash. It was approximately 1:00 a.m. The lights were off with the exception of one small light. There, sitting at a table, was one person totally engrossed in his learning. He did not even look up to see who had entered the beis medrash at that hour. I was very impressed, to say the least.

Years later, when I came to Ner Yisroel, I found out that the person who was so engrossed in his learning was Shaul Epstein.

Read More:In Memory of Shaul Epstein, a”h: My Teacher, my Guide, my Intimate Friend