Page 120 - issue
P. 120
CHERRIES!THREECHEERSFOR joints, is associated with elevated levels
of uric acids. A study at the University
Eby Lauren Mirkin, CNS, destructive process contributes to the of California at Davis showed reduced
development of many diseases. A study levels of uric acid after the consump-
LDN, LCPC, NCC published in 2013 in the American tion of sweet cherries.
Society for Nutrition found that sweet
ver wonder where cherries get Bing cherries lowered inflammatory Heart disease: The consumption of
their vibrant red color? The secret markers such as C-reactive protein cherries may help protect arteries from
to these red gems is in pigments (CRP) for chronic disease in healthy damage that leads to heart disease.
known as anthocyanins, a group humans. This is because of the anthocyanins,
of compounds whose colors can antioxidants that reduce inflammation.
range from bright red-orange to Let’s look at some interesting facts
blue-violet. They are found in many about cherries and then explore some Cancer: A flavonoid known as ella-
fruits and vegetables and provide a pro- promising research about their health giac acid, found in cherries, appears to
tective mechanism against environ- benefits. be a potent inhibitor to the growth of
mental stresses such as cold tempera- cancer cells.
tures and drought. Cherries are drupes, a family of
Nutrition researcher Denise Webb small stone fruits whose other mem- Diabetes: Researchers who conduct-
writes in Today’s Dietician that, “while bers include apricots, peaches, and ed a study on animals found that the
the answers to how and why antho- plums. There are two types of cherries: anthocyanins in cherries lowered blood
cyanins may help prevent disease sweet, sometimes known as wild, and sugar. They speculated that the same
remain undiscovered or unexplained, sour or tart. Cherries are available fresh effect may occur in humans.
the literature is intriguing, and most year round with a peak season in
researchers are calling for more studies Maryland of June and July. The easy Pain fighter/Inflammation Reducer:
to explore the potential health benefits accessibility of frozen, dried, and A study done at Michigan State
of these naturally occurring com- canned varieties makes them a versa- University found the anthocyanins
pounds.” tile fruit to consume any day of the called 1 and 2 in cherries has similar
The American Institute for Cancer year. ability to fight inflammation as ibupro-
Research (AICR) website adds addition- fen and naproxen.
al information about the nutritional Nutritionally speaking, cherries,
benefits of cherries with this statement: especially the sour kind, are high in CHERRY-COCONUT BARS
“Lab studies suggest that the phyto- vitamins and vitamin C. Sweet cherries These chewy and fruity gluten-free
chemical anthocyanin, credited with are considered a good source of potas- bars are a favorite for all ages, and
giving cherries their notable red hue, sium and of fiber. add color and elegance to your table. I
has been recognized for its antioxidant have modified this recipe from
power.” Antioxidants help prevent dam- Here’s a summary of some research
age to healthy cells caused by free rad- findings on the benefits of cherries Cooking spray
icals, an unstable molecule. This culled from information found on 1⁄2 c. brown rice flour 1⁄4 c. potato starch
1⁄4 c. ounces tapioca flour
Gout: Gout, a painful disease of the 3⁄4 c. flaked sweetened coconut, divided
1⁄4 c. chopped walnuts
1⁄4 c. natural sugar such as Florida
Crystals or 1⁄2 tsp. xanthan gum

1⁄4 tsp. salt

6 T. chilled pareve shortening, cut into
small pieces
3⁄4 c. cherry preserves, such as
Smucker’s Orchard’s Finest

Preheat oven to 375˚. Line 8-inch
square metal baking pan with foil,
allowing foil to extend over edge of pan;
coat foil with cooking spray. Lightly
spoon brown rice flour, potato starch,
and tapioca flour into dry measuring
cup; level with a knife. Place brown rice
flour, potato starch, tapioca flour, 1⁄4 c.
coconut, walnuts, and next 4 ingredi-
ents (through salt) into a food proces-

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