Page 122 - issue
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sor; pulse 2 times or until blended. Add Cool on baking sheet for at least 15 Bring to a simmer and let cook for 7 to
shortening; process until mixture minutes before turning out onto a 10 minutes until thickened. Uncover
resembles fine meal. Reserve 1⁄4 c. flour wire rack. oatmeal, stir and add a bit more milk if
mixture. Firmly press remaining flour it’s too thick. Spoon oatmeal into serv-
mixture into bottom of prepared pan. LAUREN’S LUSCIOUS CHERRY ing bowls and top with cherry sauce.
Spoon cherry preserves over crust, PROTEIN SHAKE
spreading evenly. Combine reserved 1⁄4 Try this for a breakfast or an afternoon CHERRY BUTTERNUT SQUASH
c. flour mixture and 1⁄2 c. coconut; sprin- pick me up. I couldn’t resist one more cherry recipe,
kle over preserves. Bake at 375˚ for 20 1 c. milk (non-dairy or dairy) especially since most supermarkets sell
minutes or until bubbly and top is 1⁄2 c. frozen cherries kosher certified cut squash. This
lightly browned. Cool completely in pan 1 c. blueberries makes it super quick to get a healthy
on a wire rack. Lift bars from pan, using One small banana, fresh or frozen colorful side dish in the oven for
foil sides as handles. Place on a cutting 1 scoop protein powder sweetened with Shabbos and other occasions. The
board; cut into 16 squares. Remove stevia, such as the flavored rice or pea inspiration for this recipe was again
from foil. protein from Growing Naturals in either from
vanilla or chocolate, or Amazing Grass 3⁄4 c. dried Montmorency tart cherries or
CHERRY PEANUT BUTTER Protein Superfood in either vanilla or other dried brands
OATMEAL COOKIES chocolate 4 c. butternut squash (1 small squash
The bright, tangy cherries really shine 1 T. nut or seed butter about 11⁄4 pound), peeled and cubed (1-
against the peanut and oat flavors! 1 T. flax or hemp seed oil inch chunks)
These cookies will stay extremely soft 1⁄2 to 1 tsp.. green food powder such as 1⁄2 c. boiling water
and chewy for an entire week if stored Pine’s Wheat Grass or 1 c. of greens, 1 small onion, cut into thin wedges
in an airtight container between such as raw spinach or cooked kale 2 T. oil or coconut oil
sheets of wax paper. Modified from a (optional) 2 T. maple syrup or honey
recipe 1⁄4 tsp. salt
1 c. instant oats In a blender, combine all ingredients
3⁄4 c. whole grain flour and blend until smooth. Makes one Preheat oven to 375˚. Spread squash in
11⁄2 tsp. baking powder serving. a single layer on a greased or sprayed
1⁄2 tsp. ground cinnamon 15 x10-inch jelly roll pan or shallow
1⁄8 tsp. salt SLOW COOKER CHOCOLATE roasting pan. Bake 15 to 20 minutes.
1⁄4 c. creamy peanut or almond butter, CHERRY STEAL CUT OATMEAL Meanwhile, combine cherries and boil-
1 large egg, room temperature Adapted from ing water; set aside to plump. Add
1 tsp. vanilla extract 4 c. milk onion wedges to pan with squash.
1⁄2 c. honey 4 c. water Drizzle oil over vegetables; toss well.
1⁄2 c. dried cherries, diced 2 c. steel cut oats Bake 10 minutes. Drain cherries and
2/3 c. dried Montmorency tart cherries add to pan. Drizzle syrup over vegeta-
In a medium bowl, whisk together the 4 T. unsweetened cocoa powder bles; toss well. Continue baking 5 to 10
oats, flour, baking powder, cinnamon, 2 oz. unsweetened bakers chocolate, minutes or until vegetables are tender
and salt. In a separate bowl, stir chopped and glazed. Sprinkle with salt. (Tip: To
together the peanut butter, egg, and 1⁄3 c. maple syrup cut preparation time, look for 18-ounce
vanilla. Stir in the honey until thor- 1⁄2 tsp. almond extract packages of peeled, diced butternut
oughly incorporated. Add the flour Pinch kosher salt squash.)◆
mixture, stirring just until incorporat-
ed. Fold in 3 T. of diced cherries. Chill Cherry Sauce Lauren Mirkin CNS, LDN, LCPC, NCC
the dough for at least 30 minutes. (If 11⁄2 c. frozen Montmorency tart cherries is a licensed nutritionist and profes-
chilling longer, cover with plastic 2 T. water sional counselor. Please contact her
wrap, ensuring it touches the entire 1⁄4 tsp. almond extract for information about her comprehen-
surface of the cookie dough.) Preheat sive integrative nutrition counseling
oven to 325˚F, and line a baking sheet Combine all ingredients for the oat- services, mindful eating workshops,
with parchment paper. Drop the cook- meal in a 3- or 4-quart slow cooker and and health and nutrition classes. She
ie dough into 15 rounded scoops on stir together. Cover, cook on low for 8 also provides psychotherapy for those
the baking sheet. (If chilled longer hours the night before, and set so that struggling with eating disorders and
than 1.5 hours, flatten slightly.) Gently the slow cooker stays on warm after it’s disordered eating. She can be reached
press the remaining diced cherries done cooking. In the morning, combine at 443-326-7023 or holisticnutrition-
into the tops of the cookie dough. ingredients for the sauce in a small or holisticcounsel-
Bake at 325˚ for 11 to 13 minutes. sauce pot over medium-high heat.

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