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how much they weigh! very dangerous. What should I have You laughed! You laughed about your
SAVVY SENIOR done? What would you have done? own child’s safety. You laughed at the fact
that hundreds, if not thousands, of chil-
TO THE EDITOR, CONSIDERING FUTURE OPTIONS dren are injured or die because they were
I was going into a store when I not restrained properly. You laughed at
TO THE EDITOR, the concern of a total stranger who was
noticed a white van parked at the curb. To the woman in the Toyota Sienna, I worried for your child. I was worried for
The engine was running. A child of your child. Why weren’t you?
about 10 was sitting in the front seat, wanted to let you know how incredibly
and a baby was in the back in a car seat. sad I am for your daughter: your daugh- I am putting this out there not because
I watched in interested horror to see ter, who trusts you to care for her, to nur- of you, since I doubt this letter will make
who would come out of a store to drive ture and protect her. You, my fellow Jew, a difference in your mind. I am putting
away. have failed your child. You have failed to this out there for the other parents,
protect her by not showing her the friends, babysitters, and the like, who may
Nobody came for about 10 minutes, importance of protecting oneself in a car. not realize the serious consequences of
while the children quietly waited. The behaving and thinking like you.
next time I checked, the van was gone. I When I saw you as we were both wait-
hope it was the parents who drove it ing to make left turns on Park Heights, I I am putting this out there, because
away and not a kidnapper. But my bigger was completely shocked, and assumed next time you won’t simply laugh it off.
fear was that the child would shift gears that you must not have noticed that your Next time, I will call and report you. I am
and the car would start rolling. daughter was moving about the passen- sick and tired of seeing people not treat-
ger area. I figured maybe you were too ing their children as precious gifts. I am
I do not know what my responsibility engrossed in your phone call to notice sick of seeing people too busy on their
was as a bystander. Should I have that she had unbuckled herself, as chil- cell phones to notice the world around
opened the door of the car and turned it dren sometimes do. I quickly realized, them. Mostly, I am sick of seeing people
off? Should I have called the police? however, that you did, in fact know that neglecting the safety of their children
Should I have waited for the parents to she was unbuckled, because I motioned because they simply don’t care.
come out of the store and yelled at to you and got your attention. After turn-
them? It is hard to believe that someone ing around and seeing your child, you Hang up. Buckle up. Treasure your
in this era of safety consciousness could laughed and continued to have your family.
so brazenly do something that might be conversation while she danced about.

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