Page 33 - issue
P. 33
They were given opportunities Life Response of Maryland –
In Our 27th Year!
to think about their circle
of friends – whom they let into
“Seniors who use a PERS system live in their home six
their inner circle and why. They years longer than those that don’t!”

briefly explored how and (AC Nielson Study as quoted in The Senior Solution: A Family
Guide to Keeping Seniors Home for Life)
why they, as middle schoolers
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to include kids with • Free Installation in our local area when you mention this ad

disabilities and to affect the

“attitudes of typical kids, as well.
by Margie Pensak

party/to my house; and 3) I think people with disabilities
should have their own schools. They filled out the survey
again after Mrs. Zelinger presented her workshop.

“No Artist Like Hashem”
“I started off by saying, ‘My name is Mrs. Zelinger; I am good
at teaching sign language, but I’m not so good at shooting
hoops,’” said Mrs. Zelinger. “Next, I asked the girls to volun-
teer something that they are good at and something that they
are not so good at, and wrote their answers on either side of

”the board. Between the lists, I wrote the pasuk, ‘Ein Tzur

k’Elokeinu – There is no Rock like our Hashem.’ In my con-
versation with Rabbi Mordechai Shuchatowitz, Rav of
Agudath Israel Greenspring, he stated that it can be read,
‘Ein Tzayar k’Elokeinu – There is no Artist like our Hashem.’
He explained it to mean that, not only do we all look differ-
ent but we all have different strengths, weaknesses, opinions,
and perspectives. And just as we appreciate the fact that we
have different hair, eyes, shapes, and coloring, so, too, should
we appreciate the fact that we don’t all see things exactly the
same way or have the same talents or weaknesses.”

In order to highlight the beauty of our diversity, Mrs.
Zelinger pointed out how the U.S. government mints millions
of identical quarters, yet Hashem creates millions of people,
and no two look or think alike. That is part of our beauty –

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