Page 78 - issue
P. 78
YESHIVAS TORAS CHAIM, the most common currency in our

Mby Rabbi Chanina Szendro, disabilities. They want to learn. They want What Is Your General Studies
to grow. They come to Yeshiva ready to Program Like?
Menahel work hard all day, every day. They appre- Our impressive general studies program
y brother-in-law is aglow with ciate the tools we give them and enjoy is taught by highly capable, veteran
excitement. He will soon be get- success. They are proud to be in a serious teachers who are passionate about their
ting married. And when he yeshiva. They are also fond of our regular classes. Our students are given the
walks into the room with his pilgrimages to Dougie’s to celebrate their opportunity to see the yad Hashem
equally radiant kalla, the joy countless successes! throughout history, analyze the nifla’os
and anticipation is simply con- Haborei, and improve their writing and
What Is the Yeshiva’s “Trick”? command of the English language,
tagious. Everyone starts smiling, even B”H, I regularly encounter people who preparing them for whatever role in Klal
singing and dancing. have seen the amazing growth of our Yisrael they may assume as adults.
talmidim as bnai Torah and want to
As a parent and an educator, this gets know our secret. Aside from having a Our talmidim are also taught during
me thinking. I am always looking for superstar staff of rebbeim and teachers, their general studies that middos tovos
clues, for methods, of how to instill excite- there are many areas in which we work and derech eretz are not a part-time
ment, passion, and joy in our children for hard to do well. Here are a few of them: responsibility but are of equal impor-
their Torah learning and avodas Hashem. tance at all times, in all places, and with
I realize that, to many people, this issue Staff commitment to each individual’s all people. The true masmid, the consis-
may seem baffling: What activity is more needs: Our rebbeim and teachers appre- tent ben Torah, never forgets his lofty sta-
meaningful and enjoyable than connect- ciate the unique learning style of each tus. We believe that our diligence in this
ing to Torah and mitzvos? As Rav Aharon talmid. And, because of their relentless area is better preparing our talmidim to
Kotler, zt”l, would say, “What better Olam commitment to every talmid’s success, build happier, healthier homes in the
Hazeh is there than a geshmakte Tosfos!” they adjust their teaching methodologies future.
accordingly. For example, you will rarely
Indeed, the path to that geshmak in find a shiur or class in Toras Chaim Upcoming Dinner Honoring Rabbi
Tosfos comes easily for some. However, where the teacher is just talking. They put Marc Messing
for many – perhaps even for most – a in the extra effort of preparing slides or You can show your support for the great
more deliberate path is necessary. putting notes, charts, or diagrams on the work we’ve been doing by joining us on
Acquiring the skills to learn Torah board while they are teaching. Our small June 19th at our upcoming dinner honor-
she’baal peh on a deep and meaningful class sizes are crucial in enabling our ing Rabbi Marc Messing. Rabbi Messing
level can be challenging. In fact, Chazal teachers to stay apprised of and respon- has been engaging our students in his
enumerate a daunting 48 prerequisites to sive to every student’s needs. inimitable way with his English and histo-
true Torah learning. Whether it is in ry classes. His excitement for what we are
developing language, analytical skills, and Real success: It’s tempting for teachers accomplishing and his contributions to
comprehension; maintaining emotional to help a student “feel” like he is succeed- the Yeshiva actually extend far beyond
equilibrium; or navigating the ubiquitous ing by drastically lowering expectations. It the classroom. When not teaching or
minefields of the yetzer hara, these aspir- doesn’t usually work. We take the oppo- running his estates and wills law practice,
ing bnai Torah (our children!) are desper- site route. We run a serious yeshiva with he can be found in the bais medrash
ately looking for just a little extra help on clear expectations and then provide our learning with boys, helping them prepare
their journey. That’s where Yeshivas Toras talmidim the tools they need to succeed. for bechinos, assisting during mishmar,
Chaim plays its unique and critical role in That sort of success energizes a young spreading the word to prospective new
the Baltimore community. man and breeds even more success. parents, or even writing a grant proposal.
Rabbi Messing exemplifies the passion
Who Are Your Students? Yeshivas Toras Chaim is a happy for teaching and sincere commitment to
When people hear about a small yeshiva, place: Each talmid receives personal the overall success and well-being of our
they understandably become nervous encouragement, recognition, and atten- students that is the hallmark of our
and want to know what “type” of students tion. We don’t try to overload our staff.◆
we accept. Our students are all local boys. talmidim or create excessive pressure. If
They come from wonderful families that the talmidim have concerns, they know Please go to to
are happy to keep their sons at home in that someone will listen to them and do reserve a place at our dinner and/or
Baltimore while they are still growing into everything to help. While we effectively place an ad. Or you can call 410-358-
their bar mitzva hats. They aren’t behav- and consistently implement discipline 9029 or 410-585-1801. See our ad on
ior problems or children lashing out in tools of all types, positive reinforcement is page 35.
rebellion. They don’t have severe learning

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