Page 74 - issue
P. 74
20 minutes. In our county, there are a
very limited number of sheriff patrol
vehicles, and response time can be
from two minutes up to two hours,
even in an emergency, due to the size

“of the patrol area. At the fire stations, it

can take from two to 15 minutes for
rescue volunteers to leave whatever it is
they may be doing to run to the station

”and then up to another 20 to 30 min-
I will tell you this publicly: I will never again use my phone while

driving. Even reaching for a phone could prove fatal. And despite

headphones and Bluetooth, almost every one of us “cheats”

by using our hands, even momentarily, with our cell phones.

with it in his possession immediately Even reaching for a phone could prove
following the accident. Was he talking? fatal. And despite headphones and
Texting? Reaching for the phone? Or Bluetooth, almost every one of us

utes to arrive at the scene of an acci- did he have a medical condition? He “cheats” by using our hands, even

dent, again due to the large area with- was also very reluctant to call the girls’ momentarily, with our cell phones, even

in their district. This is one of the harsh mom. Was he married? Divorced? though we know that it’s dangerous.

realities of living in a rural place in the Clearly, there was more to the story, Today I was witness to a miracle. A

event of an emergency! whose details I will never know. father and two young girls, who by all

I was the only witness to the acci- Everyone in the minivan was wear- logic should be dead, escaped intact.

dent, and gave the police my witness ing a seat belt, and this definitely saved Had I been going forward five seconds

statement. Meanwhile, I and another their lives, but frankly, witnessing the faster, my family would be attending my

two women who had driven by seconds sheer force of the accident as it hap- funeral.

later stayed with the kids in my car, pened and the devastation to their car, Hodu Lashem ki tov, ki l’olam chas-

comforting them until the ambulances I am in utter shock and amazement do. Praise G-d, for He is good; His kind-

could arrive. The dad was given a field that anyone could have survived that ness is infinite.◆

sobriety test, which he passed. He said accident at all.

he didn’t know what happened, but I don’t know why G-d put me there at Galia Berry divides her time between

that it may have been due to being dis- that moment, but clearly that was no Baltimore and Maine, and hopes to make

tracted by his cell phone. Mysteriously, accident, even if I don’t understand it. aliyah in the coming months. To read more

his cell phone disappeared, although But I will tell you this publicly: I will about her Maine adventures, go to

the dad was seen by another passerby never again use my phone while driving.

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