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shooting, making adjustments, seeing over, and were declared a success. and families, and an 18-year-old boy
how fast we could shoot accurately. At Once more, we found a nice place to was telling us to wait three hours in the
the end of the night, four hours were sleep in the Howitzer tracks, trying to sun? The nerve!
reserved for us to sleep outside the stay warm in the dewy night. Four
Howitzer in the moist tank tracks. If hours later we got up and eventually Before you could say, “Hillary-
you’ve never slept in mud, I recom- attended a series of follow-up meetings Clinton-email-archive,” a riot had start-
mend it. It builds character. with the officers to hear what the gen- ed. Four of our burliest soldiers were
erals thought of our performance. ripping the door of the boy’s barracks
The next morning, we got up and Then it was noon. off its hinges. They rushed inside, found
started the whole thing all over again. the boy lying in his green army pants
Driving around, stopping, setting up, We weren’t sure if we were going to and tee-shirt, and they literally picked
running around, carrying bombs, put- be fed, but in the end we were, and it him up and carried him out to the sup-
ting them on the deck. We heard a was after 1:00 p.m. when we finished. It ply shack, as he thrashed around trying
rumor that that night, the last night of was time for 150 young and middle- to free himself. It didn’t matter. They
the war games, we would be participat- aged reservists to give back our gear were bigger.
ing in a mock-battle, actually shooting and go home.
over the heads of hundreds of young TO THThen they surrounded him, making
infantry soldiers. This was more seri- There was just one problem. It was
ous. This time we wouldn’t be shooting the hottest day of the year, in the mid- sure that he signed everybody out. At
past hapless cows but past real people. dle of the Negev, and everything one point he actually succeeded in call-
depended on one 18-year-old boy, the ing the military police, but when the
Night arrived and we all did our base supply corporal, manning the sup- police arrived and saw what was hap-
jobs. It was an art knowing when to ply shack and taking back and record- pening, they took the side of the rioters.
have the ear plugs in and when to have ing all our gear, and that boy
them out to hear what was happening announced that he was going to be I came home from those war games
but not to go deaf. I had mine out at sleeping in his locked barracks until in a state of shock, but after a few days
just the right moment, and I heard the four p.m. I recuperated, and lived to tell the tale,
lieutenants over the loudspeaker say, many times.
“Bulls eye! Don’t change a thing!” Well, Battalion 540 wasn’t about to
take that lying down. Here we were, 150 So, it is true. Living in Kiryat Arba,
Soon after that, the war games were men waiting to go home to our wives
near Hebron, I have indeed seen viTo-O TH

lence – I won’t deny it – and you, kind
reader, have just heard about it.◆

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