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one spoke loshan hara in her pres- conditions and died in a sanatorium in Baltimore when she got older, so it is
ence, she would put her finger to her Denver, where she is buried, because not known if she had any children to
mouth and put her head down. She did the family could not afford to bring her carry on this tradition.)
not want to hear it,” Mrs. Wolfson body to Baltimore.
relates. Settling in Baltimore, the
Coming to a foreign country is never Michelsons1 worked hard. Yacha and
How did the family get to Baltimore easy, but the family experienced a Anshel ran a little store in their house
from Kiev? Yacha’s first husband died frightening incident even before they on Exeter Street near Fayette. Yacha,
of tuberculosis at age 34, leaving her a left Europe. Walking the gangplank along with a local businessman, also
widow with five children including from a small boat to a larger ship, founded her own gemilus chesed
Harry (Hershl), Morris (Moshe Zelig, Bessie, who was three- or four-years- organization. She collected money all
Rosalie’s father), Sarah, Annie (Chana), old, slipped and fell into the ocean, week and on Thursday afternoons went
and Rochel, who died of tuberculosis in while all watched in horror. Two sailors from family to family distributing funds
Europe. Yacha remarried a widower jumped in and pulled her out, but to help them make Shabbos.
(Anshel Gostomelsky), who had chil- Bessie was unconscious, and Yacha
dren of his own, and together they had tearfully davened for her recovery the After Yacha’s children grew up, they
a daughter named Bessie. whole night. The next morning her would gather with their families at her
prayers were answered, as Bessie home every Shabbos. Mrs. Wolfson
Morris, who would become Mrs. opened her eyes with no ill effects.
Wolfson’s father, and his older sister 1 Michelson was not the family’s last
Sarah were the first in the family to Ironically, after she grew up and name in Kiev. Morris’s real father’s
immigrate to America. They arrived in married, Bessie had a daughter named name was Michel Kossikov. At one
1903, when Morris was about 15 years Toby. When Toby was about two- or point, Morris went from Baltimore to
old. They were soon able to send for three-years-old, walking down the street New York for work, where it was sug-
Annie. The three of them worked in with her mother, they passed an open gested that Kossikov was too difficult to
sweatshops for another two years, and manhole. Toby fell in and became the pronounce. Since his father’s name was
by 1907, they had saved enough to second generation to “fall into the Michel, his last name became
bring over their mother Yacha and the water”! Fortunately, it was only the Michelson. At Morris’ urging, the rest of
rest of the family. Sadly, Sarah devel- sewer and not so deep as to be life- the family changed their names to
oped tuberculosis from the sweatshop threatening. (Toby moved away from Michelson as well.

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