Page 96 - issue
P. 96
community to be brought to Israel to Beth Tfiloh day school. Little did including all of us!”
years later. they know how this would come to Two of Josh’s daughters are named
change their lives. Josh took to Jewish
The Circle Closes observance like a fish to water. He after family members: Chana is named
Being a daughter of a devoted union loved everything Jewish and intro- after his great-great-Aunt Annie, and
man, Rosalie met her husband Willie duced his parents to many mitzvos, Yocheved is the Hebrew equivalent of
Wolfson at Unity House, a union sum- which they gradually began to observe. Yacha. Josh says, “One of the greatest
mer camp in New York they both Josh loved going to shul on Shabbos to brachos of my life is to be able to speak
attended. Because Willie was from New daven, so Fred took Josh to Beth Tfiloh with my grandmother every day. We are
York, they lived there for the first few every week. When Josh became bar able to discuss politics and what’s
years of their marriage. But Rosalie mitzva, he said, “That’s it. I am becom- going on in the world. I daven every day
missed Baltimore and finally prevailed ing shomer Shabbos.” that Hashem should keep her here in
upon her husband to move back here. good health for many more years.”
Willie, who passed away in 2001, was a Dina and Fred eventually also
successful salesman. He had a nice became shomer Shabbos. Josh Postscript
singing voice and often sang to enter- remains very close with his grandmoth- Along with my musings about how my
tain residents of nursing homes. er Rosalie. He calls her every day and ancestors lived in the Old Country, I
they have long conversations. Rosalie’s also often wonder how many of my rel-
Rosalie has two daughters. Linda love for him is so great that a few years atives may have known the relatives of
Wolfson, of Boston, has worked for ago, when she was already in her 90s, people I know today. Amazingly, after
many years as a social worker – first in she increased her own observance to speaking with Josh Karlip, I discovered
hospice care and now in an assisted liv- become shomer Shabbos, as well. that we actually are “related” by mar-
ing facility – continuing her family’s tra- Dina believes that another reason she riage. A few years after my grandmoth-
dition of service. Dina Karlip (whose did this is to serve as a role model for er Bessie Richman was widowed, in
middle name is Yacha) taught third some of the other people in her the early 1980s, she remarried. And
grade at TA for 34 years before retiring Levindale household. “Just as Yacha the man she married, Isidore Wolfson,
last year. was a role model for Rosalie and for was Rosalie’s widowed father-in-law! I
the women around her, my mother has guess that’s why they call it
Dina and her husband Fred decided become a role model for others, “Smalltimore.”◆
to send their children, Josh and Rachel

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