Page 94 - issue
P. 94
medical appointment with a doctor at came in every day, risking her own life Polish Jew who was instrumental in
Johns Hopkins. When she got there, and that of her family in order to save bringing the knowledge of world Jewry
she saw strikers outside. Because of her her. to the Ethiopian Jewish community
background, Rosalie had never crossed and vice versa. According to an online
a picket line in her life. What to do? Ray and Morris were only able to Ha’aretz article, Jacques “visited
She went over to the man in charge of have one child. In a tragic occurrence, Ethiopia for the first time in 1904. He
the strike and said, “Look, my father Ray’s obstetrician missed the birth due received a grant from Baron Edmond
was a very strong union man and I’m to a broken arm, and the substitute de Rothschild to ‘look for black Jews,’
with you 100 percent, but I need to see doctor made the mistake of leaving the newspapers reported at that time.
the doctor today. How am I going to get afterbirth in. Ray developed sepsis and [Faitlovich], who had studied at the
in there?” He said, “Don’t worry” and let almost died. For the first three or four school for oriental languages at the
her in. “When I got to the doctor he weeks of her life, Rosalie was taken Sorbonne in Paris, astounded the
asked me why I was so pale.” care of by her Aunt Annie. Ethiopian emperor, Menelik II, with his
fluent command of the country’s lan-
Ray Michelson Although Morris and Ray were no guages, and told him that the
Rosalie’s mother, Ray (Rachel), had a longer observant, they maintained a Ethiopian Jewish tribes were connected
very different background than Morris, very Jewish home and always respected to white Jews elsewhere in the world.
coming from a wealthy family from those who were religious. Morris and
Riga. Nevertheless, she also became Ray were extremely non-materialistic, “Several years later, an interview
involved in the worker’s movement. idealistic individuals. They owned with Jacques was published in Warsaw’s
She was a very fine person, constantly Yiddish translations of many, many lit- Hebrew newspaper Hatzfira. ‘The first
doing things for people. Once, a good erary classics, and their home served as time I came, in 1904, they did not want
friend of hers, Frieda Frank, had con- a meeting place for prominent intellec- to believe that I, too, am a Jew, and only
tracted typhus and was put under quar- tuals of the time. This was the environ- after a while did I manage to prove to
antine. Her husband and children were ment in East Baltimore that Rosalie them that there are many more Jews in
forced to leave the house, and there grew up in. the world. Since then they have wanted
was no one to nurse Frieda back to to be closer to these Jews,’ the article
health. Ray broke the quarantine and One interesting tidbit about Rosalie quotes him.” Jacques’ work in Ethiopia
Wolfson’s family concerns Ray’s niece, helped pave the way for the Ethiopian
Mara Davidov, Rosalie’s first cousin.
Mara married Jacques Faitlovich, a

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