Page 120 - issue
P. 120
same thought that hit me once again moment as a cherished present that who can give without expecting back.
as I stood by Har Hamanuchos today won’t last forever – it should make me Those who really know how to work on
looking at the whitened mountain, cov- want to savor it and make the most of themselves without getting caught into
ered in graves. The same dense blanket each second. themselves, those who can listen
that’s been filling the dorm draped over instead of always talking, those who
me as I stared. Life is so short, yet so precious. And can give in without swallowing the “poi-
I’m not sure why I spend so much of it son,” but just forgive and move onward,
These people were all my age once figuring out how to get what I feel is those who are brave enough to be real
too. They too had so many dreams, so “entitled” to me, instead of realizing I and honest, even when it’s so tortur-
many high aspirations of what they was put here to work and grow… ously hard to face reality. The ones who
were to do with their life… Yet life flew Instead of realizing that not only do I can do what is right, not just what feels
by, and their dreams were buried have everything I need, but everything I right.
together with their bodies deep under have, I need. Maybe instead of trying to
the earth. tell everyone who I am, I should try to There are only so many seconds in
accept criticism and change a bit. So day, days in a week, weeks in a month,
If I’m only 19 and it’s only friends often I’ll sense someone else putting months in a year… If four to 19 flashed
who are leaving for two weeks that are me down, and get so sensitive when my by, how much more so will 19 to 35...
causing an intense heaviness to fill the pride is played around with… Yet when 35 to 50... 50 to 65… 65 to 80… 80 to
empty gaps, I can only imagine what I have the opportunity to let someone 95… and then to 110 to 120… (I’m stay-
the last day of life will feel like. How else succeed, can I give someone else ing hopeful!) And what will I say then?
much more intensely frightening the the limelight? And enjoy it?
gap must feel after a whole life lived The one lone tear of loneliness
driven by fleeting motives, as we spend The strongest people are not those trickles down my neck and whispers its
time filling holes with sand… Only to be who have the best points, the smartest plaintive cry…
opened later to discover nothing inside. comebacks, the loudest voices, the
Whoa. most people listening to them, or the Wake up now…
best brains. The strongest people are Grab what you can…
It’s a thought that so easily falls into those who know what’s valuable in life, Fill it up with the most meaning
the clichéd messages printed on my those who have control over them- possible…
shower curtain, but it’s a message that selves, those who can forgive, those Before you say…
should really drive me to treat each It’s over.◆
112 u u
as I stood by Har Hamanuchos today won’t last forever – it should make me Those who really know how to work on
looking at the whitened mountain, cov- want to savor it and make the most of themselves without getting caught into
ered in graves. The same dense blanket each second. themselves, those who can listen
that’s been filling the dorm draped over instead of always talking, those who
me as I stared. Life is so short, yet so precious. And can give in without swallowing the “poi-
I’m not sure why I spend so much of it son,” but just forgive and move onward,
These people were all my age once figuring out how to get what I feel is those who are brave enough to be real
too. They too had so many dreams, so “entitled” to me, instead of realizing I and honest, even when it’s so tortur-
many high aspirations of what they was put here to work and grow… ously hard to face reality. The ones who
were to do with their life… Yet life flew Instead of realizing that not only do I can do what is right, not just what feels
by, and their dreams were buried have everything I need, but everything I right.
together with their bodies deep under have, I need. Maybe instead of trying to
the earth. tell everyone who I am, I should try to There are only so many seconds in
accept criticism and change a bit. So day, days in a week, weeks in a month,
If I’m only 19 and it’s only friends often I’ll sense someone else putting months in a year… If four to 19 flashed
who are leaving for two weeks that are me down, and get so sensitive when my by, how much more so will 19 to 35...
causing an intense heaviness to fill the pride is played around with… Yet when 35 to 50... 50 to 65… 65 to 80… 80 to
empty gaps, I can only imagine what I have the opportunity to let someone 95… and then to 110 to 120… (I’m stay-
the last day of life will feel like. How else succeed, can I give someone else ing hopeful!) And what will I say then?
much more intensely frightening the the limelight? And enjoy it?
gap must feel after a whole life lived The one lone tear of loneliness
driven by fleeting motives, as we spend The strongest people are not those trickles down my neck and whispers its
time filling holes with sand… Only to be who have the best points, the smartest plaintive cry…
opened later to discover nothing inside. comebacks, the loudest voices, the
Whoa. most people listening to them, or the Wake up now…
best brains. The strongest people are Grab what you can…
It’s a thought that so easily falls into those who know what’s valuable in life, Fill it up with the most meaning
the clichéd messages printed on my those who have control over them- possible…
shower curtain, but it’s a message that selves, those who can forgive, those Before you say…
should really drive me to treat each It’s over.◆
112 u u