Page 66 - issue
P. 66
she decided to find a job that did not My wife and I are freer
require bringing work home with her. to go to our children or
She became a mashgicha (kosher
“supervisor) for Sinai LifeBridge, where
she has been employed for the past 17 wherever we want to go without
years. Five years ago, after working for
Courtland Gardens, she was transferred ”the constraint of Jonah Ottensoser
to the Households of the newly remod-
eled Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center having to meet a job deadline.
and Hospital. She works there Mondays
and Tuesdays from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30
p.m., and Sundays and Wednesdays
from 11:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. the food business.” her married daughter’s house and
“I love it at Levindale because I can On her day off, Thursday, Kayla spends time there or takes her grand-
interact with the residents; if they need bakes challah and potato kugel for her children back to her house. She wishes
help, they know that I’m there,” shares daughter. She regrets not having she could get away to visit her mother
Kayla. “If they need a drink, or want to enough time to attend shiurim, so while and her other children more often, but
go to the beauty parlor, I can help she is cooking for Shabbos, she loves to she is so busy working.
them. I just love it… Working in a nurs- listen to shiurim on Torah Anytime. Does Kayla ever think of retiring?
ing home, you thank Hashem every day “I like to spend my spare time with “No,” she says, “as long as Hashem
for your health. my grandchildren, aged 8 to 16,” says gives me the koach, I want to keep
“My mother, Mrs. Abramczik, was a Kayla. “There’s always something going going. It’s a good thing.”
chef in the well-known Lake House on when they come to my house. They Sabbath Mode
Hotel, in Woodridge, New York. I like to come and help me bake.”
remember watching her check all of Kayla davens in Shomrei Emunah Jonah Ottensoser retired a number of
the vegetables and food as a child, and every Shabbos. She either eats out or times – from the U.S. government; from
I used to help. A lot of big rabbanim invites company to her house for Wylie Labs, which was contracted by
came to the hotel. That’s how I got into meals. She also goes down the block to the government; and from teaching at
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require bringing work home with her. to go to our children or
She became a mashgicha (kosher
“supervisor) for Sinai LifeBridge, where
she has been employed for the past 17 wherever we want to go without
years. Five years ago, after working for
Courtland Gardens, she was transferred ”the constraint of Jonah Ottensoser
to the Households of the newly remod-
eled Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center having to meet a job deadline.
and Hospital. She works there Mondays
and Tuesdays from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30
p.m., and Sundays and Wednesdays
from 11:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. the food business.” her married daughter’s house and
“I love it at Levindale because I can On her day off, Thursday, Kayla spends time there or takes her grand-
interact with the residents; if they need bakes challah and potato kugel for her children back to her house. She wishes
help, they know that I’m there,” shares daughter. She regrets not having she could get away to visit her mother
Kayla. “If they need a drink, or want to enough time to attend shiurim, so while and her other children more often, but
go to the beauty parlor, I can help she is cooking for Shabbos, she loves to she is so busy working.
them. I just love it… Working in a nurs- listen to shiurim on Torah Anytime. Does Kayla ever think of retiring?
ing home, you thank Hashem every day “I like to spend my spare time with “No,” she says, “as long as Hashem
for your health. my grandchildren, aged 8 to 16,” says gives me the koach, I want to keep
“My mother, Mrs. Abramczik, was a Kayla. “There’s always something going going. It’s a good thing.”
chef in the well-known Lake House on when they come to my house. They Sabbath Mode
Hotel, in Woodridge, New York. I like to come and help me bake.”
remember watching her check all of Kayla davens in Shomrei Emunah Jonah Ottensoser retired a number of
the vegetables and food as a child, and every Shabbos. She either eats out or times – from the U.S. government; from
I used to help. A lot of big rabbanim invites company to her house for Wylie Labs, which was contracted by
came to the hotel. That’s how I got into meals. She also goes down the block to the government; and from teaching at
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