Page 98 - issue
P. 98
generalization techniques used by all “mind-reading” abilities. Many illusion- ple prone to believing in these
fortune tellers.” ists are quick to reveal that all they imposters, however, isn’t necessarily
need for the performance is a sound that they’re gullible. People in desper-
Fortunately for the charlatan, most knowledge of psychology and cold ate situations have a powerful need to
people are usually eager for him to suc- reading, not psychic powers. feel some measure of control over the
ceed and are willing to work hard to Additionally, some people are just circumstances they’re in, and when the
find personal meaning in whatever he unusually perceptive and intuitive, and pseudo-kabbalist identifies something
says. We tend to see what we want to subconsciously do a cold reading with- concrete — a faulty mezuza or kesuba,
see and hear what we want to hear. out intending to deceive anyone. for example — as the source of their dif-
This subjective validation is an essen- Unfortunately, after performing hun- ficulties or prescribes a bizarre set of
tial element of any successful cold dreds of readings, their skills may ritualistic behaviors, people feel
reading and also explains why many improve to the point where they may empowered and hopeful that the situa-
people are convinced by the apparent start believing they can actually read tion will improve.
accuracy of pseudoscientific personality minds.
profiles and horoscopes. Another factor contributing to the
A Test of Faith pseudo-kabbalist’s appeal is people’s
Selective memory also plays a part “My brother was very sick and the doc- insatiable appetite for the sensational.
in subjective validation. It is very tors had given up hope. There was this It’s much more exciting to hear that a
unlikely that any person will be able to ‘mekubal’ who said that if we gave him person went to have his mezuzos
find meaning in every statement the a lot of money he could get rid of the inspected, such-and-such was found
psychic makes. This ensures that the sickness. We gave him the money, but and repaired, and his daughter got
person will remember only the times my brother didn’t make it.” engaged, than to hear that he davened
the psychic was right and forget the Shemoneh Esrei with great kavana
misses, giving the overall impression of, Financial difficulties, illness, shid- and Hashem answered his tefillos. The
“Wow, how else could he have known duchim, children at risk — there’s no pseudo-kabbalist’s “success stories”
all this about me?” end to the troubles that people face; make for great conversation, and his
unfortunately, there’s no shortage of fame spreads like wildfire.
But not everyone who practices cold opportunists taking advantage of their
reading is a scammer. Illusionists and vulnerability either. What makes peo- “People in our generation go for seg-
mentalists are popular entertainers ulos, 40 days for this, 20 days for that,”
who amaze their audiences with their
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you Exp. June 11, 17.
Maximum Value $10.
Brisses • Sheva Brachos • Graduations • Anniversaries • All Dairy Occasions
1500 Reisterstown Road • Baltimore, MD
Tel: 410-415-7001 • Fax: 410-415-5350
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fortune tellers.” ists are quick to reveal that all they imposters, however, isn’t necessarily
need for the performance is a sound that they’re gullible. People in desper-
Fortunately for the charlatan, most knowledge of psychology and cold ate situations have a powerful need to
people are usually eager for him to suc- reading, not psychic powers. feel some measure of control over the
ceed and are willing to work hard to Additionally, some people are just circumstances they’re in, and when the
find personal meaning in whatever he unusually perceptive and intuitive, and pseudo-kabbalist identifies something
says. We tend to see what we want to subconsciously do a cold reading with- concrete — a faulty mezuza or kesuba,
see and hear what we want to hear. out intending to deceive anyone. for example — as the source of their dif-
This subjective validation is an essen- Unfortunately, after performing hun- ficulties or prescribes a bizarre set of
tial element of any successful cold dreds of readings, their skills may ritualistic behaviors, people feel
reading and also explains why many improve to the point where they may empowered and hopeful that the situa-
people are convinced by the apparent start believing they can actually read tion will improve.
accuracy of pseudoscientific personality minds.
profiles and horoscopes. Another factor contributing to the
A Test of Faith pseudo-kabbalist’s appeal is people’s
Selective memory also plays a part “My brother was very sick and the doc- insatiable appetite for the sensational.
in subjective validation. It is very tors had given up hope. There was this It’s much more exciting to hear that a
unlikely that any person will be able to ‘mekubal’ who said that if we gave him person went to have his mezuzos
find meaning in every statement the a lot of money he could get rid of the inspected, such-and-such was found
psychic makes. This ensures that the sickness. We gave him the money, but and repaired, and his daughter got
person will remember only the times my brother didn’t make it.” engaged, than to hear that he davened
the psychic was right and forget the Shemoneh Esrei with great kavana
misses, giving the overall impression of, Financial difficulties, illness, shid- and Hashem answered his tefillos. The
“Wow, how else could he have known duchim, children at risk — there’s no pseudo-kabbalist’s “success stories”
all this about me?” end to the troubles that people face; make for great conversation, and his
unfortunately, there’s no shortage of fame spreads like wildfire.
But not everyone who practices cold opportunists taking advantage of their
reading is a scammer. Illusionists and vulnerability either. What makes peo- “People in our generation go for seg-
mentalists are popular entertainers ulos, 40 days for this, 20 days for that,”
who amaze their audiences with their
Did 10%OFF
you Exp. June 11, 17.
Maximum Value $10.
Brisses • Sheva Brachos • Graduations • Anniversaries • All Dairy Occasions
1500 Reisterstown Road • Baltimore, MD
Tel: 410-415-7001 • Fax: 410-415-5350
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