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signals such as words, body language, the classroom. convinced that he was a very good
breathing patterns, dilation or contrac- He proceeded to make what seemed palm reader, Rabbi Teitelbaum showed
tion of the pupils of the eye, to deter- the boys how they’d all been scammed
mine whether their guesses are in the to be a random choice and asked a boy by his simple tricks.
right direction, then emphasizing and to step up to the front of the class. He
reinforcing chance connections and took the boy’s hand and pretended to Rabbi Teitelbaum felt it was impor-
quickly moving on from missed guesses. study it carefully, making all sorts of tant to acquaint the general public with
facial expressions as he examined it. the methods used by these con men, as
Hot reading is another technique Then, in a very halting voice to give the he wrote, “These [so-called] kabbalistic
used by charlatans. Unlike a cold read- impression that he wasn’t really sure of palm readers and fortune tellers flour-
ing, hot reading involves surreptitiously what he was seeing, he asked if it was ish like weeds on a rainy summer day
gaining information from clients in possible that the boy’s father was a and take advantage of those who are
advance. The spiritualist may have an lawyer. troubled and have great pain and have
accomplice in the waiting room talk to no one to turn to. They also take
people, listen in on their conversations, “Yes,” was the immediate answer. advantage of the ignorant who don’t
or collect written information from Acting surprised at his accurate have the faintest idea of how these
them that is later used in the consulta- results, Rabbi Teitelbaum continued tricks work.”
tion. Technology, like intercom systems with his act. “You seem to have a good
and wireless earpieces, is also used. head for math, but are quite poor in He recounted how, many years ago,
spelling — is that correct?” he asked. he carefully watched how a supposed
Once, while substituting in an The boy nodded his head vigorously “mezuza-reader” made many direct hits
English class, Rabbi Teitelbaum told as the class listened in astonished using the methods above. At first he
the students he had been studying silence. Rabbi Teitelbaum continued was fooled, as many others were, and
chochmas hayad, how to read palms, reading the palms of other students in thought that the mezuza-reader pos-
from one of the pseudo-kabbalists who the class using the facts he knew and sessed some mysterious powers and
had just come into town, and that he including some random guesses that was able to see what no one else could.
wanted to see if it worked. applied to most children, such as “Your Rabbi Teitelbaum wrote, “Only after
Unbeknownst to the boys, however, he parents seem to find it very difficult to watching carefully and studying his
had made sure to read up on the par- get you out of bed in the morning.” answers did I realize that it was all a
ticulars of each student before entering Once he had most of the students hoax and they were practicing the

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