Health Care Articles

Late health care push to focus on biggest cities:

Sebelius pushes for Medicaid expansion:

GOP jumps on CBO’s Obama care report:

Fact Check: Anti-Obama care chorus is off key:

Willful stupidity in the Obama care debate:

Republicans take aim at health care provision; CBO chief forecasts reduced unemployment:

From Obama care to the IRS scandal, Republicans are ignoring the facts: 

Insurers Face New Pressure Over Limited Doctor Choice

Fewer than 2 million signed up for Medicaid under the health law, report says:

A Missing Argument on Contraceptives:

House committee to investigate why Obama care site has no appeals process:

Obama care volunteers could win chance to meet the man himself: 

I can no longer be an enabler to the dysfunction: Doctor explains refusal to comply with Obama care:

Health insurance industry touts supplemental policies to cover medical costs:

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