Articles From March 2023

Nights of Remembrance and Revelation: My Pesachs through the Years

seder plate

“This Matzah that we eat for what reason? Because the dough of our fathers did not have time to become leavened before the King of kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, REVEALED Himself to them and redeemed them.”

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There are times of the year that are so special they are etched into our memory forever. Pesach is one of them. The pre-Pesach cleaning, the burning of the chometz, and the smells coming out of the kitchen. I would like to reminisce about the Passovers, especially the Seders, in my life.

Read More:Nights of Remembrance and Revelation: My Pesachs through the Years

Emunah, Bitachon, and the “Shidduch Crisis”


?Now, three years after a new plague first appeared, we are learning that Covid is most likely a man-made problem that was created in the (partially) U.S.-funded Wuhan Lab in China. Covid spawned an industry of “experts” touting various precautions, treatments, suggested remedies, and vaccines. As time goes on, we are realizing that certain of these precautions, treatments, and remedies are ineffective, and in some cases dangerous – and that certain treatments and remedies that might have been effective were blacklisted. We are also asking ourselves who really is an expert?

Read More:Emunah, Bitachon, and the “Shidduch Crisis”

Poly Moves to Northwestern High


Baltimore’s aging public schools are frequently in need of major renovation or rebuilding. When this occurs, the student body and faculty are usually moved to a separate facility for the duration of the construction work. The temporary facility is known as a “swing school.” In our community, the swing school is Northwestern High. Northwestern has been used as a swing school since it was closed as a public high school in 2017. Forest Park High School used Northwestern as a swing school in that year. Northwestern is currently being used as a swing school for Cross Country Elementary/Middle School, which is being rebuilt as a 21st Century School.

Read More:Poly Moves to Northwestern High

The Family Business: Like Father, Like Daughter


Aharon Levi and Meira Levi


We are back again, discussing general studies in our schools, but this time we are jumping into the deep end. Before we start, a little background information: I am in my second year of teaching, and my father has been teaching in yeshivos for more than 20 years. Sometimes, I come home at the end of my day and talk shop with my father, and as it turns out, many of the questions and issues he has dealt with (and continues to deal with) are the very same ones I come home with.


Read More:The Family Business: Like Father, Like Daughter

What Are We Doing Here? And Why?


I have my roots in Eretz Yisrael. My grandfather had come to Eretz Yisrael as a bachur already in the 1930s, as he felt that it was getting dangerous to stay in Europe. He eventually went to Haifa, with the encouragement of the Chazon Ish, zt”l, settling in the then completely irreligious neighborhood of Neve Sha’anan. He was one of the only chareidim who were raising their family in the area. He dreamed of building a yeshiva there that would be a positive influence on the whole area, and he and his sons were eventually instrumental in the founding and upkeep of the prestigious Yeshivas Nachlas HaLeviim in Neve Sha’anan. Despite financial difficulties and ruchniyus challenges, my grandparents were moser nefesh (sacrificed) for yishuv (the settling of) Eretz Yisrael and for spreading the light of Torah.

Read More:What Are We Doing Here? And Why?

Saving Us from a Year-Round Daylight Saving Time Disaster


When I was growing up on Shirley Avenue, off the 3900 block of Park Heights, here in Baltimore, I loved summer vacation when, after supper, my friends and I had plenty of time to jump rope and play hide-and-go-seek even without daylight saving time. As the sun was setting, we would sit at the bottom of the high steps leading up to our row houses and play a game called Time.

As a child, I didn’t realize that time really isn’t a game to be tampered with. It’s a precious gift from Hashem to use wisely, enjoying the beautiful world and the mitzvahs He gave us. Now the United States Congress wants to pass a bill making daylight saving time year-round. It’s only an extra hour, but in the winter, it would be disastrous for the Jewish community.

Read More:Saving Us from a Year-Round Daylight Saving Time Disaster

Musings Through a Bifocal Lens : Out of the Habit

fallen tree

I’ve gotten out of the habit of swimming. I was in the pool for the first time in many months, but Baruch Hashem, once I was in, it felt like I never left. Well, almost. Before my long hiatus from the pool, I could swim 12 laps in 30 minutes without an issue. Yesterday, I was wiped out after pushing myself to finish 10. But I’m determined to get back into the groove again. It’s been too long, and I’ve run out of excuses.

I was so proud of myself after I came out of the pool, and it felt good to be exhausted when I went to bed last night. Swimming does that to me, but it would be better if I reminded myself of that fact more often, to help me stay on track.

Read More:Musings Through a Bifocal Lens : Out of the Habit

Adolfo Kaminsky: A Forger’s Life

In the summer of 2019, my wife and I visited the Museum of Jewish Art and History in Paris and had the opportunity to see a remarkable exhibition about Adolfo Kaminsky, a man credited with saving the lives of at least 10,000 Jews in France during World War II. 

The Early Years

Adolfo Kaminsky’s parents were Russian Jews who met and married in Paris.  His mother had fled to Paris from the pogroms in Russia, and his father, a journalist for a Jewish Marxist newspaper in Russia, was forced to leave. Because of his father’s alleged ties to the Jewish Labor Bund, Adolfo’s parents were expelled from France and spent time in Turkey and in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where Adolfo was born in 1925. They later returned to France, eventually settling in the town of Vire, in Normandy, in 1932.

The family was poor, and young Adolfo soon found work as a clothes dyer and dry cleaner, where he learned the magic of colors and how to use various chemicals. Kaminsky also worked on a dairy farm, where he performed chemical tests to verify milk quality and discovered that lactic acid could be used to remove supposedly indelible black ink from paper. These skills would serve him well in his work for the French Resistance during World War II.

Read More:Adolfo Kaminsky: A Forger’s Life

All about Alcohol and More


Dear Dr. Kidorf,

I started cleaning for Pesach this week and took the opportunity to clean my eighth-grade son’s room while he was in school. I was going to surprise him with a clean and orderly room. It occurred to me that maybe I shouldn’t go into his drawers, but I had to put things away, and I figured he is still young, so he probably wouldn’t object. Anyway, I found some things that are concerning. I wasn’t sure what they were, but my friend confirmed that the small colorful tubes and other paraphernalia are used for vaping. I am quite upset. I realize that young teens experiment with smoking, but I didn’t think my son would do it. Although he is not the most popular kid in the class, he has friends, and he is a fairly good student. He was never a troublesome kid and basically gets along at home and in school. I have two questions: Is this dangerous for a child his age? More importantly, what is the right approach now that I have made this discovery? Should I just ignore it and pretend I didn’t see, or should I confront him. If so, how?


Read More:All about Alcohol and More



Forty minutes into cleaning my room– dresser open and bare, clothing haphazardly piled onto the floor – and I needed a coffee break.

The kitchen was blessedly quiet and, blessedly, unpesachdik. I sat down to enjoy my drink, two sugars and a big splash of whole milk, when Sim busted in.

I guess it wasn’t going to be the peaceful break I thought it would be.

She sauntered over to me, silver beaded earrings jangling.”Coffee?” she asked.

Read More:Coffee

Teach your Children Well

As parents, it is our job to teach our children many different things. These could include a simple please/thank you, being respectful of other people’s needs, treating guests properly, or basic table manners. Sometimes parents will consult their rav or the child’s teacher for some added insight or ideas on how to best instruct their children. However, for the most part, children seem to learn by instruction and by example – until they don’t.

Read More:Teach your Children Well

Don’t Label Me; I’m Not a QR Code!

Over my years of teaching, many teacher stories have been shared with me. Some have been instructive, some less so. But the one about Horowitz is one that I like to remind myself of.

A teacher walks into class on the first day of the school year. The students get quiet as they anticipate the start of a new lesson and a new school year. The teacher asks, “Which one of you is Horowitz?” One boy raises his hand. The teacher declares, “Get out!”

The boy asks, “But why? I didn’t do anything.” 

The teacher says, “I heard about you. Do you think I’m going to wait until you do something?”

Read More:Don’t Label Me; I’m Not a QR Code!

Orthodontics and Pesach Cleaning


Every year, we are asked numerous questions about how to deal with our orthodontic appliances in preparation for Pesach. This seems like a very reasonable concern. After all, what could be more critical to clean for Pesach than something that is placed in the mouth? It would be a shame to go through all the trouble of replacing garbage cans and boiling doorknobs and then insert a retainer filled with challah in your mouth during the Pesach Seder.  

Read More:Orthodontics and Pesach Cleaning

Matzah through the Ages


Throughout the generations and in all places of our exile, Pesach has been beloved by the Jewish people. Aside from its deeper meanings, there is no holiday where the rules about food are stricter or more numerous. Here in America, we take it for granted that all our Pesach food needs will be amply available. But even in times and places where it wasn’t, Pesachdik food – and especially matzah – has played a singular role in Jewish life.

Read More:Matzah through the Ages