One of the main themes of Purim involves costumes. The fun of
dressing up helps us to gain an understanding of a world in which things are
not what they appear to be. A world in which the opposite of what we expect to
happen happens. In Pesachim 50 we
learn that Rav Yosef was critically ill and had a near-death experience. When
he recovers, his father asks, “What did you see when you almost departed this
Rav Yosef replies “I saw an inverted
world. The powerful were insignificant while the insignificant became
His father, Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Levi,
then said, “My son, you have seen the world clearly!”
We learn that Rav Yosef’s vision was
a glimpse of olam haba (the world to
come). With this in mind, we read Mordechai’s statement to Esther in the Megillah: “If you do not speak up at
this time, then the Jews’ deliverance will come from another source – but you
and your father’s house will perish, and who knows whether you did not come to power
for exactly a time such as this.”
We Jews need to remember that the
world we inhabit may, in many ways, be an illusion. More importantly, we should
be reminded of Mordechai’s statement to Esther and consider that we were placed
here for a Divine reason and purpose that may be far from what we could have
ever imagined.
* * *
Many years ago, when I was in high
school at TA, which was near Park Circle in those days, my class put on some
spectacular Purim shpiels. I actually don’t know how we got away with some of
the shtick. We had quite a talented
class. Some were already up-and-coming Talmudic scholars, some were National
Merit scholars, some were musicians, and we even had a few athletes. My claim
to fame was serving as the fire marshal and the captain of the school patrol
(TA’s law enforcement division). The special quality of our class was that we
were “K’ish echad b’lev echad” (as
one person with one heart). There was much achdus
(unity) within the diversity.
Plans for our annual Purim shpiel
began in Shevat. Script writing, rehearsals, and careful assignment of
important roles were essential for success. Obviously, brainstorming to find
the best possible subject matter to satirize was critical. We spent many hours
in “think tanks” exploring potential topics.
Now, a little more than a half
century later, we are living in a constant Purim shpiel. There’s no need to
search for Purim material. We are surrounded by it! Reality now imitates
fantasy. It’s Purim every day! Adults are dressed up and pretending to be heads
of state, government officials, journalists, and “experts” of every kind. If
you’ve been in the audience at an excellent show, you know that the actors are
convincing in their roles because they know their craft and are well rehearsed.
Back in TA we understood this. We were really good at playing our parts. We
rehearsed a lot during Ivrit class.
Tragically, too many of the actors
who are currently performing in Washington, Ottawa, and in many North American
cities lack not only principles and common sense but even fundamental acting
skills. Their acting is so poor that you cringe when they stumble through their
lines and keep contradicting themselves. They simply don’t know how to
realistically play the roles they’ve been assigned. This is partially because
they don’t comprehend the plot. Being self-conscious about performing so poorly
has made it essential for them to distract the audience by any means possible.
COVID has presented an excellent opportunity for a continuing distraction.
* * *
It has been very difficult to come
up with a Purim shpiel topic for this year because, fantasy and (what passes
for) reality are intertwined. Here are some examples:
The term ‘illegal’ (as in, against
the law) can no longer be used to describe someone who is in the USA illegally.
The new (approved) term is “undocumented.” But that’s not all: If you are
‘illegal” (sorry, undocumented) you are permitted to go through TSA screening
at U.S. airports as long as you can show a valid arrest warrant which is now 100%
acceptable as ID. I know you think that I made that up; sorry, your government
made that up!
Woke riots during the summer of 2020
were labeled “peaceful protests.” Those “peaceful protests” resulted in massive
destruction of property, looting, death, and mayhem. Since woke politicians and
journalists have a very limited capacity to discern objective truth, Sheriff
Grady Judd, police chief of Polk County Florida, conducted a (remedial)
tutorial (using flash cards) to explain the difference between “riots” and “peaceful
protests.” It’s obvious that Justin Trudeau missed that learning opportunity.
Then we have the (most recent)
disgraced former governor of New York, who won an Emmy award for best COVID
performance by an untrained medical “expert.” His award was revoked – not for
lying about COVID statistics (which he did) – but for other egregious
misconduct which couldn’t be covered up, even with the assistance of his woke
media allies – especially his brother. You have to give the ex-governor credit.
His acting skills were pretty good until the truth caught up with him. Yes, as
in the Purim story, the truth eventually emerges even through the dense fog of
deceit. Therefore, there is reason for optimism.
Now we have new “task forces” to
study why crime rates and shootings are rising in cities which have decided not
to prosecute felons, grant early release from prison to dangerous criminals, do
away with bail, and defund the police. Sadly, it is very confusing for our woke
elected officials to comprehend why crime rates are off the charts in every
jurisdiction that they pretend to manage. Therefore, we now have official
government committees that have been appointed to analyze the problem. One of
the “solutions” which was approved (it’s cheap – only 30 million dollars so
far) is to distribute (among other unmentionable items) free syringes and crack
cocaine pipes.
Government spokespeople proudly
stated “this will allow recipients (including children) in ‘under resourced
populations’ to be treated equitably.” Got that?! When this “news” was released,
the woke “fact checkers” and their co-conspirators told critics who questioned
them, “Oh, you are misrepresenting this: just because the ‘kit’ contains what
appears to be a ‘crack pipe’ doesn’t mean it is.” Note for the record, Senators
Manchin and Rubio have introduced bipartisan legislation to prohibit our
government from proceeding with this latest Purim schpiel. The efforts of these
decent men demonstrate there is some light penetrating the thick woke fog.
On February 7th the London Daily Mail ran a story from
Bristol University, a top rated British University where I’ve lectured several
times. The article (I verified the facts from sources at the university)
explained that certain students who “identify as cats” will now be known as “catgender.”
It describes catgender as “someone who strongly identifies with cats and may
experience delusions related to being a feline.” (Hey folks, even the most
fertile imagination couldn’t make up this Purim shpiel.) The university states
that it’s important to have an understanding and respect for catgender pronouns
like “nyan,” which means meow in Japanese. I assume that now the university
will provide litter boxes in the non-binary bathrooms. What is most interesting
is that in the university’s definition of catgender it states, “may experience
delusions!” Okay, so because someone is (unbalanced and) delusional, the rest
of society has to join in supporting the delusion? The university stated that
they are “committed to gender inclusion.”
As I observe these and other
outrageous Purim shpiels, I have no doubt that the governments of China and
Russia are thoroughly enjoying the woke Purim circus being produced (and
directed) in this country and overseas. Joseph de Maistre said, “In a democracy,
people get the leaders they deserve.” So it seems.
Another major Purim theme is masks.
When we put them on, we are pretending to be someone or something else. I think
that might be the reason why many politicians and public officials love masks.
* * *
The Purim story opens with
Achashverosh hosting a huge palace party using looted vessels from the Bais
Hamikdash. Tragically, many assimilated Jews, who wanted to be accepted by the
King and his court, were in attendance at this decadent celebration. The events
that unfold leave the fate of the Jewish people in the hands of the righteous
Jew Mordechai and the courageous Queen Esther. As the Jews are on the brink of
annihilation, G-d intervenes in a hidden manner (hester panim). After the
Jews fast and repent, the tables are turned on our enemies. My dad, a”h, used to say, “So many Hamans and so
few Mordechais.” The truth is, that’s the way it’s been throughout most of
Jewish history.
Now, once again, we Jews are facing
some very serious challenges, from within and without. The Gaon Rav Hutner, zt”l, commented on the words, k’ish echad b’lev echad” by explaining
that our enemies can only unify when they find a common cause. He said, “The
Jews are different because at Sinai we were unified as one person - one heart.”
The Rav’s point was that when Jews have achdus
(unity) and “mission clarity,” as defined by the Torah, then we are formidable
as a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” Although the Jewish people has
suffered throughout the ages and are few in number, we remain G-d’s eternal
people, having witnessed the demise of those who sought our annihilation
throughout the ages.
* * *
On Purim we dress up – and mask – to
remember that nothing in this world is as it seems, that there is a real world
just below (or above) the superficial distractions. When reading the Megillah we are reminded that, although
G-d may seem to be hidden, He is ever-present. The Purim story, if read
superficially, might appear to be a conglomerate of natural events. Hashem is
not mentioned in the text. Only when we peel back our masks do we reveal
ourselves. Hashem is also masked. It is only through our performance of mitzvos
that He peels His mask off. I believe that the many (obviously) absurd current
events serve to remind us to stay grounded in the “reality” of Torah, which is
the antidote to outlandish fantasy. The crazier it gets, the more I believe
that all sane people will turn toward Hashem and His Torah. By abandoning G-d
and core moral values, the secular Progressive Left is hollow. As such, it is
rotting from inside. It will eventually collapse under its own weight.
Finally, after considering
which shpiel will be the best for this year – and believe me it was hard to
choose from the vast list – I got it: John Kerry, former Secretary of State
(and current White House “Climate Envoy”) helicoptering from his yacht to his
private jet to a protected bunker in the Ukraine (heated by “clean-burning”
Russian coal), where he gives a class to Russian generals about the negative
effects on the climate from military convoys, air strikes, and “blowing things
up.” Don’t laugh – it might not be a Purim shpiel!