Articles by Chaya Kruk

On Purim at Midnight- From our archives 2007

moon and stars

Seeing the shul so packed and the fervent davening, you would have thought it was Yom Kippur!” That’s how someone described the reciting of tehilim on Purim night last year at the Agudah of Park Heights.
It all began the year before, when our guest from Israel received a call from his wife with the thrilling news that their daughter had just given birth to twins – a boy and a girl – after four years of marriage. He then told us how he and his wife had gone to a special minyan in Yerushalayim the previous Purim, at midnight. Each person had said the entire Sefer Tehilim (psalms), and then davened for one thing.Afterwards, when they inquired of one another what they had davened for, they found that they had both davened for a child for their daughter. Almost one year later, both of their prayers were answered. Our guest encouraged us to organize such a minyan here in Baltimore, since many people have seen their tefilos (prayers) answered as a result.

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