Articles by Elliot Rothschild, M.D.

Who Do You Believe When Your Life Is on the Line?


Ever gotten the flu shot, then caught the flu? Know someone who refused to vaccinate her kids, fearing it causes autism? Heard accusations of doctors of over-prescribing to get pharmaceutical kick-backs? Are any of these concerns valid? How can you know whose advice to listen to when it comes to your family’s health?

 Recently, a friend sent me a link to an online Jewish publication that vilified the use of statin medications in lowering cholesterol, advocating replacing them with exercise and alternative treatments. The author told the story of a patient who became paralyzed after taking a statin, concluding that the medication caused the condition. He argued his point using misinformation, partial truths, conspiracy theories, and misunderstood physiology.

Read More:Who Do You Believe When Your Life Is on the Line?