Articles by Freda Goldman

The Democrat Party Unmasked


I read an interesting article recently, entitled “Democrats Have Abandoned Israel – Jews Should Abandon the Democrat Party,” by Andrew Stein, a former New York Democrat politician. His article pointed out the pervasive and glaring anti-Semitism that has now infected the Democrat Party. This strong anti-Israel hatred was first openly manifested when the issue of Jerusalem came up during the 2012 Democrat Convention. The members at the convention jeered and booed when support for Israel and Jerusalem were to be inserted into the Democrat Platform.

Witnessing this disgusting display on TV, I became livid and sickened by a party I was once affiliated with, which could express hostility to another democratic country. And not just any country. Israel is the symbol of Judaism and home to the largest number of Jews in the world. So, yes, if a political party or a person defames Israel, it is an attack on all Jews. 

Read More:The Democrat Party Unmasked