Articles by Rabbi Yissachar Dov Krakowski

Remembering HaRav Tzvi Dov Slanger, zt”l, on his First Yahrzeit

rav slanger

Memories tend to fade as time goes on. Chazal tell us that the remembrance of one who has passed away diminishes after 12 months. Even great people who become legends fade into historical personalities of yesteryear, and memories of them are only as strong as their tangible contributions, such as writings and institutions. There are a rare few whose remembrance becomes stronger with the passage of time, whose legend becomes larger than life. 

HaRav Zvi Dov Slanger, zt”l, whose first yahrzeit will be on the 21st of Shvat, is in this latter category. He left behind a magnificent Yeshiva that he custom-tailored to his unique vision. Yet there is an additional aspect of his legacy that will only be felt in the years to come. HaRav Slanger was a one-of-a-kind mechanech (educator), a master at cultivating bona fide bnei Torah, and his pupils will be among the greatest of tomorrow.

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