Pro-Hamas protests on U.S. campuses
are a small, albeit significant, element in a wider anti-Israel/antisemitic
global campaign. The virulent and worldwide launch of an unparalleled explosion
of outright, explicit antisemitism advocating the outright slaying of all Jews
wherever they might be was clearly triggered by Hamas’ heinous slaughter of
large numbers of innocent human beings just inside Israel on October 7th. It
is clear from the “in-your-face” disruptive tactics that there is no interest in
“winning over” public opinion. Clear also is the intent to intimidate, to
further cow not just the general population but also the authorities into
acceding to
outrageous demands. The protests, now occurring widely outside the United
States as well, are clearly different from earlier ones, if only in their
antisemitic focus. What do they mean? What do they portend? What are their
antecedents? The pages that follow will try to clarify their role and
significance within the broader strategic picture.
The Wider Context
That massacre
– replete
with torture, kidnappings, rapes, and other unimaginable acts – was meticulously
planned long before and was part of a much larger strategy by Hamas’ master
sponsor, Iran. It is now clear that Iran was involved in the planning, funding,
and even in the timing of the attack.
Tehran has for
years been following what it calls a “Shiite strategy” for achieving dominance
in an arc stretching from Lebanon in the west to Pakistan in the east. I heard
this strategy openly discussed during my visit to Pakistan in December 2003.
The idea, simply, was to use the Shiite minorities in the various Arab
countries to foment unrest and create pressure on the targets, thereby creating
unrest, chaos, or otherwise somehow achieving dominance through blackmail,
building up internal oppositions supporting Iranian objectives, or weakening
those regimes. The Iranians have been implementing that approach since then.
The results are clearly visible in Lebanon (with Hezbollah as an arm of Iranian
intelligence and the IRGC [Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps]), in Syria, in
Iraq (where entire militias are Iranian proxies), and with the Houthis in
Protests: Laying the Foundations
We know that October
7th was planned way in advance. We now are also finding out that the
so-called university protests, far from being spontaneous manifestations, were
also carefully organized and coordinated by professionals – whether communist,
anarchist, or some other variety of revolutionary.[1]
What perhaps is
not as well known is that the planning being discussed and brought out into the
greater light of day is itself simply the outcome of a much more extensive
preparation stemming from as far back as 70 years or more.
Leftist ideology has
not invented anything new in its understanding of how society works. Such
well-known strategists as the ancient Chinese thinker Sun Tzu (6th
century BC) or the 18th century Prussian Carl Von Clausewitz had
already developed a deep and lasting understanding of the
political/psychological aspects of war. The Soviets – as well as other leftists
– aware of their military inferiority, were conscious that winning ultimately
did not require military victory. It could be attained by focusing on the
enemy’s army, population, or government – singly or in any combination,
depending on the enemy’s existing situation. In essence, it has meant weakening
the opponent’s will to resist, destroying his morale, and convincing him that
the enemy will persist for longer than the opponent can tolerate, that the
stakes are not worth it, or that the population is being exploited by its
government for various bad reasons.
In all of this,
propaganda is critical. Standard techniques have been creating major divisions
within the population, using domestic groups already sympathetic to the foreign
government and focusing on segments of the population susceptible to the argument
that they are being taken advantage of, etc.
In the Vietnam War,
the perception that the U.S. lost the war is still very widespread. The reality
is somewhat different. The U.S. was focusing on enemy “body counts” to report
progress in the war. When the Communist North Vietnamese launched the famous
Tet Offensive, which saw Viet Cong troops actually attacking within Saigon
itself, the psychological impact was enormous. How could American claims about “progress”
and “the light at the end of the tunnel” be true if Communist troops at this
stage could penetrate even the South Vietnamese capital?
What people didn’t
know, and at that point were no longer interested to know, was that the
Vietnamese Communists, in launching that attack, had made a desperate gamble
and had been bled white. They had been so seriously weakened that the United
States was then in a position to move toward a military victory. But it was too
late; the will to continue the fight had been broken, and Americans were no
longer willing to continue a war they now saw as hopeless and not worth
pursuing. Losing militarily but winning politically had worked.
The current
disruptions in American universities, as already mentioned, are but the logical
extension of a long evolving situation. Back in the late eighties, when I was
exploring a return to academia after a stint at the Pentagon as the aide to the
Assistant Secretary of Defense, I was repeatedly asked why I thought I could
possibly obtain a position. Virtually all the universities, I was told, are in
the hands of leftists. And indeed, they were, but there were still some which
apparently were not. That fact that intellectuals were often on the Left and that
they found in the academic world a congenial home was not a new phenomenon.
That academia became virtually the exclusive preserve of the Left, with others
not welcome, was a significant development that antedated the eighties.
What was happening
in the academia was reflected in what was transpiring in the wider society.
Marxist ideology, like its offspring socialism and communism, was thoroughly
hostile to religion and its norms and actively opposed anything they saw as
somehow linked to it or encouraging it. Anti-clerical political parties and
groups, as they were known in Europe, were very active in opposing anything
that smacked of religion and its norms. America’s enemies understood that in
order to triumph, they would have to weaken the country from within, to
demoralize its population – in short, to destroy the fundamental norms of
society, many of which were based in religion.
There is no doubt that
a number of factors contributed to the decline and, one could say, the near
disappearance, nowadays, of the fundamental moral consensus that must exist in
a democratic society for its proper functioning and for its legal system to be
effective. One of these factors was the encouragement of “free love,” starting
the 1960s. This was an early form of what later progressed to growing acceptance
of same-gender relationships and, ultimately, marriage, as well as other forms
of immorality
The Present:
Asymmetrical Psychological Warfare – the Way of the Weak
Not content with
the erosion and even destruction of Western, or Judeo-Christian, values, these
groups have launched in the past several years a frontal assault on another two
major fronts. Often subsumed under the label of “woke,” this latest twist has
involved an attack on the very symbols of national pride, of the connection of
the nation with its past, with its traditions and continuity.
The destruction of
statues, flags, and other historical/cultural symbols, initially limited to
Confederate symbols, has been a big part of that. Soon enough, however, these
spread even to such major figures as George Washington.
The second front
of this more recent assault has been at least equally ominous: the assertive
dictation of what people are allowed – or forbidden – to say. There are now
what, without any stretch of the imagination, could be called “re-education”
sessions, reminiscent of the worst of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, to which
the various professions are being subjected. Medical doctors, for instance,
have to sit through sessions in which they are told that if someone with a
beard, dressed in a suit and tie, asks for directions to the restroom, they are
forbidden to direct him to the men’s room but must ask what restroom he
wishes to use. And an expectant mother must be referred to as a “pregnant
person.” This control of speech, and in some ways of what one can think, is
pervasive, and violations have consequences; people in various walks of life
have been fired from their jobs. The situation has reached such a stage that
people have become very careful about not deviating from this new “orthodoxy.”
That is one of the ways through which the Left has, and is, moving to exclude
those who don’t comply with their definition of right behavior. It is worth
noting that even Stalin’s terrorist methods didn’t extend that far but were
mostly limited to the political realm.
Even in elementary
schools, children are taught – inappropriately and without regard to age –
about anatomical matters, including advice on “gender identity,” without the
knowledge or consent of their parents. This and other similar matters are by
now becoming known and in some instances have produced some pushback.
However, the
general lack of resistance to such acts on the part of authorities or the
public testifies to the apparent ascendance of these leftist groups, who
clearly think that they now are in the driver’s seat…and perhaps they are.
The Left’s
stranglehold on universities, on the propagandization of the next generation,
when combined with the destruction of national and cultural symbols, in effect
erases the pride of belonging to a nation with a worthy heritage. It aims at
creating a passive citizenry, largely unwilling to defend the nation because it
no longer sees it as worth it. Perhaps it is not accidental that the word
“treason” is no longer even mentioned, and appropriate corrective action is not
At work here, for a number of years already, are a
substantial number of actors, some very minor, some quite powerful. Some have
similar agendas, many have opposing, even strongly inimical, interests. All
have one common objective: overcome the United States, the “Great Satan” as
Iran has called it. A good analogy would be the various terrorist groups
operating in the Bekaa Valley in the 1970s, when many groups, spanning the spectrum
from extreme right to extreme left – Fascists, Marxists, communists, anarchists, and
Islamic fundamentalists – worked together. All had one common objective: to overcome
the United States.
There were those
who maintained that it was not possible for factions at times totally opposed
to one another to cooperate. Yet they did. The common enemy then, as now, was
the Great Satan. The idea was this: We work together now, and once the Great
Satan is finished, we will wipe out the smaller fry. Some “experts” also
asserted, some time back, when there were claims that Tehran was hosting Al
Qaeda terrorists, that this was impossible given the very real enmity between
Shiites and Sunnis. Yet the Iranians were, and are, working with Sunnis toward
that common objective.
The Current
Situation: How Did We Get Here?
The underlying
objective of the so-called “protests” at the universities has been to strike a
major additional blow in the ongoing campaign to delegitimize Israel’s
very existence. Iran, Hamas, and other terrorist networks have been advertising
that goal from every public forum with impunity for years. The purpose of
delegitimization has been to turn Israel into a pariah, to portray the victim
as a ruthless aggressor and international criminal entity. Since they know they
cannot win militarily, they have focused on psychological warfare, aiming to
create an international environment supportive of their demands, which in turn
would paralyze Israel, or at the very least make it so difficult as to deny Israel
Iran and Hamas planned
from the start to maximize their own casualties, using the Gazan population as
shields and locating their bases in and under hospitals, schools, mosques, and
other civilian buildings and installations. They have purposefully manipulated
the number and sorts of casualties, describing terrorists killed as civilians,
etc. The idea was to translate the delegitimization into an operational reality
and generate strong opposition to Israel by creating a “humanitarian crisis.”
They succeeded
beyond hope. The one thing that supposedly matters on the world stage now is
the supposed killing of “innocent civilians,” “massive casualties,” the
destruction, the “disproportionate” use force, the “starving” and on and on. Note:
These criteria apply only to Israel. In no other wars, including those of
America, has there been much concern for the enemy’s population.
Hamas was playing
into ready and willing American hands. As soon as the initial shock at the
barbaric Hamas attack had worn off, the U.S. began to focus on obtaining a
ceasefire. Although it was initially tied to the release of the hostages, it
soon centered exclusively on asserting that Israel was not doing enough with
humanitarian aid until that became the focus of attention. Not only was there
no longer backing for destroying Hamas by eliminating it from the Rafah area of
Gaza but Washington started issuing warnings that the U.S. was opposed to an
attack on that sector.
As soon as Israel
took initial steps to deal with Rafah, American warnings sharpened until, on
May 8th and 9th, the U.S. government announced it was
stopping the delivery of certain critical munitions and weapons systems because
it was afraid they would be used in Rafah. Not content with that, President
Biden on the 11th, actually stopped the flow of ammunition and
weapons in the middle of what is, for Israel, an existential defensive war.
This halt in delivery is, in many ways, worse than not providing the weapons in
the first place. The United States has now come full circle and has associated
itself with the demands of Israel’s enemies. (Also, apparently, without the
knowledge of the Israelis, the U.S. went directly to Hamas and changed the
demand for the return of live hostages to that of deceased ones.)
American position now dovetails with that of the campus “protesters.” Perhaps
this should not be so surprising. Not unrelated is the fact that a “dark-money philanthropy empire tied to Obama would be bankrolling a protest
movement designed to undercut American support for Israel’s war on Hamas.”[2]
Obama, in his foreign policy, had “demonstrated a
disturbing propensity to curry favor with our adversaries at the expense of our
Particularly illustrative was his highly critical attitude toward Israel
compared with a surprisingly accommodating approach to Iran, despite their
designating the U.S. “the Great Satan.” Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton, in a joint press conference with the Egyptian leader,
announced that Obama was demanding a complete stop to all settlement
development in the West Bank – this while Obama was pursuing a nuclear agreement with Iran that was supposed to curtail its
nuclear development in exchange for the lifting of sanctions, thereby releasing
billions in frozen Iranian assets. In effect, the “deal” was being made with a
radical Moslem regime, which daily proclaimed its enmity and acted on that
enmity through a variety of subversive activities and active support of
also developed close relations with the Moslem Brotherhood. That interaction was
so close that some of the Brotherhood’s members were actually in the
administration or advising the government, including the White House.[4] The Moslem Brotherhood itself was close to Hamas and
to other terrorist movements.
Moslem Brotherhood connection was not the only link to Islamic fundamentalism, however.
It turns out that “The Biden administration’s
now-suspended Iran envoy, Robert Malley, helped to fund, support, and direct an
Iranian intelligence operation designed to influence the United States and
allied governments.”[5] The
source for this extraordinary claim was a series of Iranian government emails,
about which Wall Street Journal correspondent Jay Solomon reported on
the website Semafor, and also detailed in Iran International, a London-based Iranian émigré opposition
publication a week before the Tablet
article. These emails “showed that Malley had helped to infiltrate an Iranian
agent of influence named Ariane Tabatabai into some of the most sensitive
positions in the U.S. government – first at the State Department and now the Pentagon, where she has been
serving as chief of staff for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations,
Christopher Maier.”[6]
is not surprising, in light of the above, that President Biden has continued
that approach. In November 2023, in the middle of the Gaza war, the Administration
announced a new “four-month waver,” enabling the release of billions of dollars
to Iran blocked by U.S. sanctions.[7]
Most egregious, however, is
undoubtedly the Administration’s “fly-swatting” response to the Iranian or
Iranian-proxy aggression against the U.S. that has accompanied the Hamas
attack. There were, in the weeks following, more than 170 attacks on U.S.
military assets in Syria, Iraq, and Jordan. The Houthis, a Shiite Yemeni proxy,
initiated a series of attacks in the Red Sea not only against any traffic
supposedly to Israel but also against British and U.S. military vessels –
significantly disrupting commercial traffic. The American response: shooting
down incoming missiles and a few strikes on Houthi missile sites. The continued
Iranian and/or Iranian-directed attacks are an eloquent commentary of their
contempt for the U.S.
is one to think, when the same U.S. government that, early in the war,
proclaimed Israel’s right to defend itself and destroy Hamas now denies weapons
and ammunition and threatens that, should Israel go into Rafah, it will not
provide any offensive weapons? One doesn’t need to be an expert to recognize
betrayal. What is one to think when this harsh attitude toward the victim is
accompanied with a benevolent one toward the aggressor that in essence says, “Look
we sympathize with you, but we do have to seem to be doing something” – and that
something includes allowing American servicemen and women to become the targets
of America’s enemies?
this be related to Obama’s Marxist antecedents, to his long-proclaimed belief
that the U.S. has been an “imperial” power whose “arrogance” needs to be
curbed? Could this policy be connected to Obama’s continued hold on large
segments of the American Left that have assumed inordinate influence on
systematic erasure of fundamental moral and social norms and the indoctrination
of the young in schools and universities have produced an emptiness that has in
turn facilitated all sorts of problems – from widespread use of drugs to rising
crime and violence, abated by woke notions, such as contempt for law
enforcement and demands for defunding the police. The October 7th Hamas
attack broke a psychological barrier by showing that the unthinkable was not so
unthinkable but could be done with seeming impunity. It opened the floodgates
to an explosion of rabid and violent antisemitism on a global scale.
the Obama-Biden projection of American weakness worldwide, showing the empty
worth of U.S. “ironclad commitments,” causes mounting worry among the many who,
while often critical of the United States, value its protective presence. That
American wavering has already significantly increased the likelihood of major
what can be done?
answer lies at two different levels. One is the societal – domestic and
international. The other is on a higher plane and concerns the One Who truly
runs things, and what will ultimately happen as a result.
the first level, a broader historical perspective might remind us that events
frequently move in cyclical – often opposite – direction. We may now already be in a
transitional phase between the apex of one and the early part of the next.
There is some evidence of a nascent backlash against the excesses of the
leftward push. What can be described as the arrogance of those who feel they are
now in the driver’s seat may become part of their undoing. When students begin
to see that there are meaningful negative consequences, things may go
differently. And the Administration’s sudden and abhorrent betrayal of a key
ally – especially in light of some earlier horrendous examples – might well be
shown to have been a turning point.
is, however, the second, higher plane level that is more central. And it is
that aspect that is generally not mentioned in discussions of the geopolitical
– that of the ultimate Divine control of the flow of events. From that
perspective, we may well be approaching the true End of History.
we read every year in the Haggadah, “In
every generation they rise against us to destroy us, and the Holy One Blessed Be
He saves us from their hands.” Jews have unfortunately experienced such
tragedies not infrequently through our long history. Those who have sought our
destruction have always failed. There isn’t a reason in the world to
think this time will be different. One doesn’t have to believe to appreciate
the accuracy of the conclusion. Anyone making decisions based on simple risk
analysis should come to the same result. The track record speaks for itself.
events in the ongoing war that should have captured the attention of people
have passed unnoticed by most. How much damage, how many casualties, have been
caused by the more than 15,000 missiles and rockets lobbed at Israel by Iranian
proxies and, more recently, by some 350 drones, cruise missiles and rockets
from Iran itself? Very few. Almost none! The best scientific estimates expected
90% protection. But those are often optimistic assessments. In the case of the
historically largest salvo from the Iranians, the effectiveness was 99.9%. There
have been hundreds if not thousands of other instances of such miraculous
events. Why the ease to ignore? Why the reluctance to recognize what is clearly
beyond the human dimension?
difference this time may be that this latest attempt to destroy the Jews will
be the last. The very global character of the attack and the astounding existence
of instant communications may also be the
harbingers of the promised global resolution, of the foretold Messianic era,
the true End of History as we know it.
it come speedily in our time.
[1] See on this the excellent piece by
Park MacDonald in Tablet Magazine of May 6, 2024 “The People Setting
America on Fire,” with abundant detail on the groups, their funding, etc.
[2] Tablet, op.cit.
[3] Mackubin
Thomas Owens, The Wall Street Journal, July 24, 2009
[4] See, for instance, the article “A Man and Six of the Brotherhood in
the White House!” by Ahmed Shawki in the Egyptian
publication: Rose El-Youssef, December 22, 2012, The Investigative Project on
[5] “High-Level Iranian Spy Ring
Busted in Washington: The Trail that leads from Tehran to D.C. Passes Directly through the Offices
of Robert Malley and the International Crisis Group” (Lee Smith, Tablet, October 01, 2023)
[6] Ibid.
[7] “Biden Allows Iran to Access another $10 Billion amid
Gaza War” (Iran International Newsroom,, 11/15/2023)