The Trump Tsunami
It is as if a massive tsunami had hit the U.S., its shock waves quickly spreading across the world! The reference here is not to the geographic phenomenon but to its political equivalent: “Trump-in-action” or, for lack of a better term, “Trumpism.” The rapid-fire, multi-sphere initiatives, pronouncements, and moves of the initial weeks of his second term, along with their vast scope, have been as unprecedented as they are unconventional. To say “unconventional” is actually an understatement; President Trump has given new meaning to the term.
It could probably be said without too much exaggeration that few, if any – from the proverbial man-in-the-street to the experts to government officials – understand what, and why, the President is doing what he is doing. Confusion reigns. And it is the aggregate of all the still ongoing stream of far-reaching, even radical, moves – not any individual component – that has everyone snowed under and taken by surprise and that has kept the targets of the President’s activities off-balance.