Musings Through a Bifocal Lens - Priceless

We drove down winding roads with sprawling farms and rolling hills in Western Maryland on our way to visit Falling Waters, the house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. I’d never been to that part of Maryland and was in awe of the beauty as we drove to our destination.
It was a lovely couple of days out there, a much needed break from everything that had been falling down around our ears lately. They were all good things, mind you, but they took up a lot of our mental energy, which can be as difficult as expending physical strength.
Our summer project was to settle my parents into their new home. Thankfully, they are happy now, but I spent a lot of time worrying whether this would ever happen. It was an adjustment on all of our parts. My parents had to work out many details of settling into a new city. They didn’t count on the merry-go-round that customer service situations often turn into. My parents weren’t used to spending hours on the phone to get basic services like newspaper delivery or telephone connections. And I didn’t realize that every one of their worries would become one of mine, too.